Elevation of the Soul
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest DVDs
DVD-730 (Spoken in English, with 11 choices of subtitles) Communicating with Love International
Christmas Celebration
DVD-734 (Spoken in English, with 11 choices of subtitles) The Touch of a Master International
Christmas Celebration Highlights: Citing Her own experience, Master teaches us how to choose our foods carefully to avoid consuming impure ingredients. Several fellow initiates share their wonderful experiences of communicating with animals. What is the proper way to care for our dogs at home that are old, sick and about to die? What are the things to consider in adopting animals? A fellow initiate tells an interesting story about how animals listen to Master’s lecture, which again proves that all living beings are intelligent and deserve human respect.
![]() DVD-796 The Guardian Angels God Bestows upon Humans Three-Day Retreat in Paris, France
DVD-797 God’s Will Is Done Through the Master Three-Day Retreat in Paris, France
Highlights: Each animal brings a gift; they really come to help human beings. Master reveals that all Her dogs and birds have come with a mission. Some help to bring good people to Her and keep bad people away; some remind Her of what is going to happen. All animals are capable of telepathic communication. They know everything and rely completely on God for protection and food. Therefore, they are constantly in contact with God. For example, cows come from a very high realm; dolphins and whales are very concerned about the environment and know that the ice sheets are melting at an alarming rate. Citing the story of St. Francis of Assisi, Master tells us that the Masters are just doing things in Their own uncomplicated way. They are as simple and natural as children, doing what They should do.
![]() DVD-752 A Meeting of Love Videoconference with Aulac Highlights: In this videoconference, Master teaches us how to use constructive thinking to help ourselves progress spiritually, when we are in a difficult and confined environment. Sometimes the body may struggle and protest, and is reluctant to practice. Master encourages us: “It is because the physical body wants something else, while our inner Wisdom leads us onto a different path, so at times the two may conflict. When we practice and reach a higher level, this kind of tension will vanish.” Master also reminds fellow initiates to ensure the purity of their diet so as to keep the body stable. She tells us that Her music is meant to help us practice spiritually. As long as we have inner vision, it is good enough; there is no need to analyze it.
![]() DVD-785 Remember God in Our Heart, and Our Fate Will Improve International 5-Day Retreat, Hsihu, Formosa February 25, 2007 Highlights: Master tells a folktale to remind us to always remember God so that we will benefit from Hiers grace while seeking the highest Truth. Obstructed by its attachment to a pearl, a thousand-year-old turtle, despite having observed the precepts strictly and practiced diligently, still could not attain liberation. Only through enlightenment and renouncing everything could it attain a human body as it wished, then go on to practice the Quan Yin Method and finally attain Arhatship. Master says that spiritual practitioners can truly benefit their own country. The more spiritual practitioners there are in a country, the better their government will be.
![]() DVD-810
Heaven’s Loving Support Three-Day Retreat in Paris, France
Highlights: Master tells many jokes about religions, and says, “Jokes are very good for us.” Through the parable “The Watermelon Hunter,” She explains that the enlightened Master must sometimes follow traditional customs to be able to assimilate into people’s lives and levels. Master also tells us stories about the Muslim Master Mulla Nasrudin and reminds us that as long as we endeavor to be a good person, everything else will change for the better.
![]() DVD-827
Go All Out to Resolve the Eco-crisis Three-Day Retreat in Austria, February 28, 2008
Highlights: How can we completely resolve the eco-crisis? Master tells us: “We only need to do three things: Become a vegetarian/vegan, use sustainable energy, and plant trees.” Many fellow initiates share with Master news of recent advancements in technology, such as the invention by a scientist of a “free energy” generator that is capable of powering a UFO. Master reveals that, after Supreme Master Television broadcast Her poem “Words of a Piglet,” 130,000 people became vegetarians! If we stop raising cattle and animals, the Earth will become more sustainable, as there will be no more methane greenhouse gas emissions from animals. Carbon emissions will stop multiplying and the Earth will recover, if all governments and media would get involved and help disseminate the message that “It is really very urgent! Everyone must take action!” Although time is running out, we still have time to keep the Earth as it is now.