From May to July 1999, the expenditures for various charitable activities, including regular relief for the needy in different areas of the province, and other Love in Action projects in Formosa, totaled NT$1,074,872 (approx. US$33,590)

Fellow practitioners from Taitung went to Lidao Village, home of the Bunong hill tribe and located over a thousand kilometers above sea level, to distribute relief funds and food to the poor families living there. No hospital or clinic exists in Lidao, so villagers have to go to areas more than 30 kilometers away to seek medical help. Thus, fellow practitioners also offered free medical diagnosis and treatment along with haircut services to the local residents, and their efforts were greatly appreciated.

Combined Report from Formosa

Love in Action





Also, with great enthusiasm, fellow practitioners from all over the province sent spiritual books and videos of Master as gifts to various colleges and prisons, thus promoting the reading of good books as an activity among members of the populace, and purifying people's hearts in the community.

Using Positive Energy to Overcome the Negative Force
Aid for Earthquake Victims in Turkey
Aid to Flood Victims in Mainland China
Combined Report from Formosa Expenditures and Receipts
for Charitable Activities in Formosa from May to July 1999