Story World


By sister initiate Darlene Lam
Arizona, U. S. A. (Originally in English)

Istanbul, Turkey

Compared to all that I have done in my life, whether it was restoring the habitat, visiting animal shelters, or volunteering in hospital emergency rooms, there is nothing more rewarding than sharing the Truth. Master's Middle Eastern and African Lecture Tour was my first opportunity to be part of a lecture tour working team, and it was a thrill and privilege to work side-by-side with my more experienced colleagues.

Everywhere we went to hand out flyers, the warm Turkish people greeted us with invitations to have tea with them. Their sincere hospitality is rooted in their deep devotion to their Muslim faith and Allah (God), and prayers to Hirm can be heard resounding throughout the streets five times a day.

Istanbul is an ancient city situated by the seaside, adorned with mosques, castles, and palaces of fairy tale beauty. The city's lovely surroundings and friendly people reminded us of Heaven, and we were convinced more than ever of our purpose there.

Another earthquake struck Turkey during our stay, and a Quan Yin messenger shared with us that Master had phoned him just the day before to remind him to "Remember God always especially in times of troubles." I was awed at how Master was taking care of us from way across the globe. She phoned and e-mailed, filling all of us with so much love. She gave us many pieces of advice on how to keep our health, one of which was "Don't touch animals on the streets," (they may have been infected with rabies). I couldn't help but laugh when I heard this, for I had almost petted a kitten just the previous day! It's amazing how very thoroughly Master looks after us and how well She knows us from the inside out.

Aside from helping promote Her lecture wherever I could, I was given the assignment of writing a brief historical report on Turkey for Master in case She needed it. I knew Master could do the research Herself, as was evident from all Her European Tour lectures, so I was elated to have the chance to do something, anything, for Her. Writing a report for Master was different than writing a report for college. There was a special meaning behind it and I felt an inborn sense of joy that no "A" paper had ever brought me.

I want to thank Master for giving me this chance to know God so personally through working for Hirm.