by sister initiate Y.S. Mina, Cairo, Egypt
Recorded by brother
initiate J. A. Creech, Cairo, Egypt
in Arabic)
miraculous story was told recently by a new Egyptian initiate who has
suffered from chronic asthma since childhood. Once at midnight, she
could not catch her breath due to a sudden attack of asthma. Her mother
panicked, knowing the difficulty of fetching a doctor at such an hour.
However, the young initiate calmly said to her mother: "Mom, I
will be all right after a few minutes of meditation." She meditated,
and immediately recovered..
mother is a highly positioned government representative. Recently, worried
about her daughter's diligent spiritual practice, she consulted a highly
reputed Muslim "sheikh" (religious leader) who possessed clairvoyance
and fortune-telling power, and was offered the following advice: "You
should encourage your daughter to learn from the Supreme Master Ching
Hai. It is good for her." Because of her daughter's sincere practice
and devotion to vegetarianism, the mother also eats vegetarian whenever
possible and has begun reading Master's teachings.