Report from Costa Rica
Small, Beautiful, and Dynamic Country
April 21 to 23, during what is known as "Saint's Week,"
celebrated in commemoration of Jesus Christ, the Costa Rica Center
held a three-day retreat. Since it was a national holiday, fellow
initiates planned the retreat to pray for a better spiritual life
and national peace. We thank Master for Her love to Costa Rica. God
has heard the prayers of the people of Costa Rica for the peace of
the country, as the longstanding conflicts between citizens and the
government recently came to an end.
the third day of the retreat, the initiates felt extremely blissful
and filled with love and peace. We had a barbecue on that day and
invited our family members, friends and other quests. We were graced
with fine weather; the sky was clear and a soothing breeze blew. The
vast green meadow where the barbecue was held provided a sharp contrast
to the deep blue sky dotted by colorful balloons, creating a picture
of harmony and vitality.
guests, fellow practitioners, and their family members participated
in the event. The children played happily in the large outdoor area,
while the adults watched Master's videotapes. Some people exchanged
spiritual insights, while others learned the Convenient Method, and
some even expressed a wish to receive initiation into the Quan Yin
Method. As a result, several initiation sessions were conducted over
the following few weeks.
series of Truth-sharing video seminars -- one in Cartago and two in
Heredia -- were held from April 29 to May 20. The first, held on April
29, took place at the La Casa de la Ciudad, an activity center in
Cartago. Near the entrance on the first floor, a television set displayed
one of Master's videos, and sample booklets and News magazines were
freely taken by interested people, as fellow initiates provided help.
On the second floor, guests were first greeted by an exhibition of
Master's artistic creations and publications before entering the seminar
crowds continued to gather, the venue we had thought might be too
large turned out to be just large enough. Inside the hall, as soon
as Master's videotapes began playing, the audience's attention was
immediately captured. After the video was shown, the guests asked
many questions, which were answered in detail by a Quan Yin messenger.
Nearly all of the guests asked to learn the Convenient Method that
day. Though many of them lived very far away, they nonetheless expressed
their earnest desire to attend group meditation at the Center.
second video seminar was held at Heredia University on May 6. To show
their sincere interest in this event, the University authorities had
the lecture hall specially painted before the seminar to give it a
new look. The posters on display showed Master in meditation. People
attending the seminar seemed to quickly accept Master's teachings,
and were also highly impressed by
talent for artistic design. Many people asked to learn the Convenient
Method. Afterwards, delicious vegetarian food was served in the atmosphere
of warmth and excitement that pervaded the venue.
May 20, the third video seminar was held at the Heredia Library. A
torrential downpour that day failed to deter many sincere Truth-aspirants
from attending. In fact, the seminar attracted far more people than
we had expected. In this positive atmosphere, people asked sincere
and relevant questions, and almost everyone who attended the video
seminar learned the Convenient Method. 
the three seminars were held in two cities not far from each other,
questions asked by the audience members differed greatly. Since Cartago
is the Catholic center of Costa Rica, most participants there were
Catholics, and their questions were related to the Bible. By contrast,
in Heredia, most participants asked about the meaning of enlightenment
and meditation. One participant who learned the Convenient Method
shared with us this story. He had recently received a phone call from
a friend whom he seldom saw. The friend told him that, beginning from
the day when five stars would fall into a straight line (May 5) until
the end of the month, he would have a chance to learn a method that
develops power through use of the hands.
he succeeded in learning this method, he would be able to use his
inner abilities to help many people. But if he failed, he would have
to wait two thousand years for another chance. Therefore, he had made
inquiries everywhere, especially with groups related to Oriental religions.
Now he maintains a very positive attitude toward the Quan Yin Method,
he said, because he had a wonderful experience when learning the Convenient