[Sydney] Each
year the Sydney Center organizes a number of seminars on the Quan Yin
Method at various venues throughout the Sydney area, in order to convey
the supreme method of meditation to the public. Recently, we were fortunate
to have our wishes fulfilled by having a Quan Yin messenger help with
a seminar. And thus we wasted no time in making all the necessary preparations,
such as spreading the news about the seminar as widely as possible through
the media, newspapers and radio, and printing handbills and leaflets
for distribution in public places. Thanks to the enthusiastic efforts
of a number of young initiates, over ten thousand leaflets were distributed
in a relatively short time.
initiates from Sydney, Australia hold one in a series of seminars
on the Quan Yin Method, to convey the Truth to local residents. |
members ask many spiritual questions expressing their sincere aspiration
for the Truth. |
came the day of the seminar, January 14, 2001. In the heat of the summer
sun, we were very touched to see elderly visitors with walking sticks
slowly making their way into the seminar hall. The guests attentively
followed our whole seminar program. The most encouraging aspect of the
seminar was the highly relevant and thoughtful question-and-answer session
that followed the video presentation, which expressed the sincere spiritual
aspirations of the audience. The Quan Yin messenger responded well and
gave eloquent explanations to all the guests' questions, causing a larger
number than usual to register for the Convenient Method, and exceeding
our expectations.
the refreshment period that followed, our guests had the opportunity
to mingle and chat with local fellow initiates, as in a meeting of old
friends from many previous lifetimes. While our guests enjoyed the delicious
vegetarian dishes that we served, they realized the untruth of the view
that a vegetarian diet is unpalatable and insipid.
more and more people applying for initiation, we were very happy to
be able to share the spiritual path with so many under the protection
of Master's love, for reducing the negative causality of meat-eating,
and for thus saving the lives of so many animals. After the seminar,
we experienced an uplifting sense of joy that remained in our hearts