Panorama of Events


Report from Panama

God's Gospel
Brightens Panama


A large color advertisement containing information about the seminar in the newspaper El Universal of Panama.

[Panama] Two initiation sessions and a video seminar were conducted for sincere Truth-seekers in Panama by a Quan Yin messenger who had recently arrived in the country. For these occasions, many attractive posters were printed for display in supermarkets, while leaflets were distributed to the public.

El Universal, the largest newspaper in Panama, charged only 25 percent of the usual price for a large color advertisement containing information about the seminar and introducing Master, the Quan Yin Method, and its benefits.

RPC Radio, one of Panama's largest broadcasting stations, interviewed us for its comprehensive coverage of the event. During the forty-minute program, many listeners called in to express their yearning to practice the method of inner Light and Sound, which can help them attain peace, contentment, and bliss. Many requested sample booklets and were asked to pick up copies at the radio station. Thus, we delivered to the radio station many sample booklets, magazines, and pamphlets of Master's wonderful discourse entitled "Retrieve the Languages of God."

Ms. Didia Gallardo, hostess of RPC Radio of Panama, accepts Master's sample booklets and poses for a photo with fellow practitioners.

Fellow practitioners in Panama prepare leaflets for the seminar.

The video seminar was held on January 16 in the conference room of Panama University. Defying the customary cultural habit of arriving about an hour late for any event, the audience came early that day, and the conference room was filled to capacity before the seminar's starting time of 6:00 PM. The great sincerity and yearning of the guests was obvious, and as they continued to arrive, more chairs were added until the venue was completely packed.

As a result, the air-conditioning could not cope with the large audience and many people perspired profusely. Nonetheless, the guests attentively watched Master's wonderful lecture. After the video showing, almost all of the audience members expressed an interest in switching to a vegetarian diet. Many registered to learn the Convenient Method, and some requested initiation into the Quan Yin Method. Due to the overwhelming response, the seminar ended an hour later than scheduled, with everyone being reluctant to leave.

The audience at the seminar watches Master's video lecture with undivided attention.

After the seminar, we invited the would-be initiates to join the weekly Convenient Method group meditation at our Center. They left their contact information, hoping that we would keep in touch. The next evening, more than one fellow practitioner noticed an extraordinarily bright and beautiful light shining through the clouds! We firmly believed that it was an auspicious sign. Master once said that, although spiritual practitioners are few in number, their influence is infinitely far-reaching. We are happy that many Panamanian people sincerely want to practice spiritually. We are grateful for the earnest support of the local press and radio stations in spreading the news about the seminar, and to many supermarkets for displaying Master's posters. With such enormous support and the deep devotion of so many people, the sky over Panama will definitely shine brightly in the future!


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