Unexpected Success at an
Environmental Expo

Admiring teachers and students at the Ukraine Art Academy appreciate Master's Art Creations Album.

Librarians at the National Parliament Library love Master's sample books. (Second from right is Madam Olena Pogrebna.)

On a subsequent Sunday, the usually congested main street of Kiev-the Krishetik, took on a new look. People strolled about in leisurely fashion; young people were dressed in shorts and T-shirts; children skateboarded; and colorful balloons flew on the street. People thought that they were in California! After making some inquiries, I discovered that an exposition with the theme "Green Our City for Spring" was being held. Since the Quan Yin Method is a force for greening the soul, how could I possibly miss this opportunity to disseminate Master's teachings? In response to this sudden inspiration, I had flyers printed as quickly as possible, and hung Master's poster, decorated with a beautiful gold Chinese knot, on a tree by the roadside. (Gold is the favorite color of Ukrainians).

An old lady gazed at the magazine cover picture of Master with Her golden hair. Though she didn't understand English, it was obvious that she liked the picture very much. She asked whether she could have the magazine, but because it was the only copy available, I could only apologize to her. After a conversation with her, I learned that the woman also practiced meditation. No wonder she was able to recognize an Enlightened Master! Ukrainians are proud of their fine white and gold hair. Their fondness for Master's image in gold hair made me realize why Master had dyed Her hair this color. Everything Enlightened Masters do is out of their intense compassion for sentient beings!

Several Chinese men were attracted by my Asian face and stopped by to read the Chinese material about Master. They had been away from home for a long time and were earnest to learn about developments in their home country. Hearing that innumerable people in Mainland China are practicing the Quan Yin Method, they said with emotion: "It is truly wonderful to have people bringing the good news of liberation all the way here!" They eagerly provided information about related spiritual media, and wished that Master's teachings could be broadcast on TV. Many passionate ladies blew kisses at Master when they saw Her photo. One man cried out from deep within his soul: "I love meditation!" when he saw Master's photo, and felt as though he were experiencing a flow of electricity through his body. He left blissfully with a sample booklet. When some passersby heard me discussing "meditation" and "enlightenment", they walked back toward me, wishing to know about enlightenment.

The day passed very quickly, and the full moon climbed high in the sky. The day's activities then reached a climax with a fireworks display. Mysteriously, a huge crowd gathered around Master's booth to watch the spectacular fireworks that seemed to be celebrating my unexpected success. I was closing the booth at the time, yet many people were still holding on to Master's magazine, reluctant to let go. "Do you really have to go?" They asked as they helped me pack.

On this trip to Ukraine, I was traveled alone, and all the materials for the booth were transported to Ukraine by earnest initiates from Berlin and Moscow. When the sample booklets printed in Ukrainian finally arrived after much difficulty, my landlady held a precious copy of the booklet in her hands and murmured, "It is in Ukrainian!" Joyfully touched, she read the words printed in her mother language below Master's photo. In Ukraine, especially in Kiev, many citizens still speak Russian, while the educational authorities have launched a campaign to popularize their mother language. Our considerate Master knew of the Ukrainians' desire to have their own land and had the sample books printed in Ukrainian ten years ago. Though these booklets could only enter the country in the 21st century, the time was just right.


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