had not seen our beautiful Master for quite some time, and initiates
around the world were longing to see Her. So it was a euphoric moment
when She showed up at the Florida Center following group meditation
on Sunday June 3, 2001 and spoke with initiates. After She promised
to come again to the Center the following evening, word spread like
wildfire across the American continent. Mindful of the disciples'
longing, our compassionate Master promised to spend as much time as
possible with the initiates who came to the Florida Center. And at
the earnest invitation of the initiates, She agreed to do a public
lecture at the Fresno Convention Center, California, and to give initiation
to sincere Truth-aspirants. The next day, Master and fellow practitioners
were treated to a splendid vegetarian feast by local initiates, and
a lively entertainment program by initiates and friends from around
the world.