Spiritual Milestone
in Detroit
On July 7, 2001, local initiates held the
first-ever video seminar featuring Master's videos in the city of Detroit,
entitled "Face Life with Courage and Walk the Way of Love."
Detroit is the seventh largest city in the United States and has a population
of five million. Its average crime index is twice the nation's overall
index; and its household income is half the national average. Most of
the families are single-parent households, and the percentage of children
going on to higher education is less than the national average.
a happy reunion with Master at the Florida Center in early June, we
heard Her mention Detroit in a joke three times. This gave us the inspiration
and desire to hold a video seminar in this old and needy city. We felt
very strongly that we should bring Master's love and blessings to the
people of Detroit.
the seminar, many brothers and sisters came to support us. For example,
one brother in his early seventies drove over five hours round-trip
with his family to join us. His daughter, who had just recovered from
near-death surgery, also participated in the preparation work. She was
still weak but kept her condition secret and worked with us all day!
Also, a Russian couple who had just received initiation at the Florida
Center in June, and had been members of the Quan Yin family for less
than two weeks, not only came to Detroit to distribute flyers with us,
but also went to their local whole food store to distribute flyers!
We were deeply touched by their love for others and faith in our Master
and the Quan Yin path!
the video seminar, Master's words of humor and wisdom captured everyone's
attention and opened every heart, as God's love and blessings poured
forth generously! Following the video presentation, the participants
asked many sincere spiritual questions. And when the Convenient Method
transmission was completed, a brother asked the new practitioners how
they felt after their first experience of meditation. Most smiled with
very happy and satisfied looks in their eyes. Since the seminar, we
have continued to receive phone calls and inquiries about the Quan Yin
residents of Detroit are still haunted by the bloody riots of the late
1960s. Visitors to the city can easily see many abandoned and dilapidated
buildings and houses, not only on its small streets but also near its
major freeways. Although the shadow of fear remains in the hearts of
the people, through this video seminar, Master's message of Truth has
brought spiritual light into their lives. We believe that this city
will have a brilliant future starting from the beginning of the new