Master's Wonders

Keeping Calamity at Bay

By sister initiate Wu, New Jersey, U.S.A. (Originally in English)

An initiate sister has a son who works in downtown New York. He commutes to his job from New Jersey and takes the subway at the former site of the World Trade Center around 9:00 AM. At about that time on September 11, two airplanes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. When the sister saw news of the disaster on television, she knelt in front of Master's photo and prayed that her son would escape the calamity. Later her son called and said, "Mom, I am fine. I do not know why, but I got on the subway safely earlier this morning." This example shows that Master arranges everything and protects all Her disciples and their families!

Another sister regularly takes a subway transfer in the area of the World Trade Center around 8:40-9:00 AM on her way to work. However on September 11, she took an earlier train and left the WTC 30 minutes early for no apparent reason. This was not her regular schedule because she usually could not get up when her alarm went off. When she saw the building explode from her office, she felt immense gratitude for Master's blessings, which helped her avoid a great calamity!

Another Case

of Events

* Keeping Calamity at Bay
~Another Case

Master Had Already Made Arrangements!

E127 Files

News No. 127