after the occurrence of the 911 events, members of the relief team formed
by New York Center initiates found it necessary to fetch their rescue
equipment immediately, in order to join the rescue frontline as soon
as possible. However, there was a question in everyone's mind: "Since
there are blockades everywhere in the city, how can we transport the
equipment quickly?"
we had no need to worry! Master had already made arrangements! Originally,
all the rescue equipment of the New York Center was stored in the warehouse
of a fellow sister in China Town, the location of which was behind the
blockaded WTC site. Several months earlier, this sister had sold the
warehouse, and so all the rescue equipment was being temporarily stored
in my garage. Coincidentally, the New York Rescue Team was using my
house for its rescue operation.
September 12, 2001, when fellow initiates taking part in the rescue
operation arrived, all the rescue equipment was readily available for
use. If the equipment had still been in the warehouse near China Town,
we would have had to wait at least a few days, until the blockades had
been lifted, before being able to lay hands on it!