Panorama of Events

Report from California, USA

The Second Annual International Street Faire

[San Jose] The San Jose Center of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association recently participated in the Second Annual International Street Faire in Sunnyvale, California, the heart of the Silicon Valley. The festival, hosted by the Sunnyvale Library and Parks & Recreation Departments on September 22, 2001, received widespread recognition from diverse cultural groups in the community. In light of the September 11 tragedy, this year's festival reflected many fine moments of intercultural unity and acceptance, which are needed now more than ever before.

In this spirit of harmony and peace, Association members from the San Jose Center volunteered to introduce vegetarian dishes to community members. Our booth was popular among festival attendees, many of whom indicated that they did not follow a vegetarian diet, but would very much like to try it, because they knew that vegetarianism "would be good" for them. One youthful senior citizen came to our booth and asked if vegetarian food was any good. Our volunteer answered that if she did not like it, we would gladly refund her money. A while later, the same lady came back. In her hand was Master's sample booklet, which she had picked up at the display table down the street. She exclaimed with a smile, "That food was delicious!" Others also came back for seconds or bought food to share with their families at home. The San Jose Center later donated the entire proceeds of US$800 generated from vegetarian food sales that day to New York relief efforts.

At the Sunnyvale International Street Faire, the San Jose Center also had opportunities to share Master's teachings with community members. Sample booklets in different languages, such as Aulacese, Chinese, English, Korean, and Spanish, were picked up by many festival attendees. A few days after the event, a fine gentleman of Indian descent came to our Vegetarian Restaurant requesting to learn the Convenient Method. Asked how he had come to know about the Convenient Method, he said he had learned about our restaurant and the Method after stopping by the display table at the Sunnyvale International Faire. He must have found the Method beneficial, for the following week, he brought his wife to learn it and has been coming diligently for group meditation each weekend.

Thank You, Master, for Your abundant blessings and the many beautiful gifts You have bestowed upon the world!


Panorama of

* Report from Canada
* Report from USA
~San Jose
* Report from Korea
* Report from Formosa

E127 Files

News No. 127