Legislator Hsiao Chin-lan
delivers a speech at the scene.
a series of public performances, the Love Ocean Art Ensemble has made
a name for itself in Formosa. On September 22, 2001, the group was
honorably invited to and performed in a program at the triangular
auditorium of the National Science and Technology Museum in Kaohsiung.
The museum integrates creativity, science, the arts, and the humanities
in its exhibitions, and often invites prominent entertainment groups
to perform there.
The elaborately-planned
event began with a Chinese zither recital, followed by choral singing
that captivated the hearts of audience members. Next, a piano and
violin duet gave immense pleasure to music lovers, who also enjoyed
a tenor's singing, which left the whole auditorium reverberating with
the sound of his vibrant voice. The audience also cheered and applauded
a brilliant folk dance, followed by a romantic musical dialogue between
a harp and a flute that pushed the event to a soul-elevating climax.
performance by fellow practitioners at the National Science and Technology
Museum may be regarded as another form of Truth-sharing. Through the
initiates' artistic expression of Truth, goodness, and beauty, the
audience was uplifted in its level of consciousness. The lively, cheerful,
optimistic and creative demeanor of the new-millennium spiritual practitioners
erased from people's minds the conservative, solemn, and rigid impressions
of the past. In her speech at the event, Legislator Hsiao Chin-lan
lauded members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
for their professionalism, although they were merely amateur art lovers.
Their successful performance proved to be a feast of music on an early
autumn afternoon!