Nakon Ratchasima seminar is filled with Master's love and blessing
power. |
[Nakon Ratchasima]
On March 30, 2003, out of a deep desire to introduce
Master's teachings to sincere Truth seekers, Thai fellow practitioners
conducted a video seminar in the city of Nakon Ratchasima (commonly
called Khorat) northeast of Bangkok.
on the morning of the seminar, the guests began arriving. Some of the
participants, who were from an organization called the Teacher's Life
Development Associated Group, had been invited by local fellow practitioners.
The entire venue was full of Master's love and blessings as one guest
shared his experience of a dream in which he saw an immense mountain
where a lady was staying. We realized immediately upon hearing this
story that he must have been led to the seminar by our beloved Master.
the videotape presentation about one third of the audience stayed on
to learn the Convenient Method. One guest of 74, who had difficulty
sitting for long periods, was able to participate until the end of the
seminar. This was surely made possible by Master's blessing power. Additionally,
two young students also received the Convenient Method. The success
of the seminar resulted in opportunities for group meditation every
evening, and vegetarian cooking classes on Sundays, thus benefiting
both initiates and potential initiates alike.

Ratchasima residents absorbed in reading Master's flyers

keep pace with the planet's ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers
of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding
more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events worldwide.
are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives.
For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit
click here: