Love in Action

Report from Formosa and France


Love Across Oceans — Relief
for Algerian Earthquake Victims

Urgent Marshaling of Relief Materials

On May 21, 2003, a strong earthquake measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale devastated the city of Boumerdes 55 miles east of Algiers, the capital of Algeria. The severe damage caused by the initial quake was intensified by a series of aftershocks, making the situation even worse. Supreme Master Ching Hai gave special instructions to members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association to help the quake victims overcome their ordeal by speedily conveying emergency supplies to the region.

So fellow initiates in Formosa immediately purchased a huge stock of the most needed relief materials, including 3,571 family tents, 10,000 blankets and 194 heavy warm jackets. Then volunteers came from all parts of the island to the Association’s Taoyuan Center, where they worked through the night, sorting and packing the items into crates. On May 30, the materials were delivered to the Chiang Kai-shek International Airport, and airlifted to Paris with help from the Formosa Foreign Ministry and China Airlines. Next, through the concerted efforts of fellow practitioners in Europe, the International Red Cross and Mr. Said Abdiche, the Algerian Consul General in France, the supplies reached the affected areas on June 3.

Relief materials weighing 24 tons are fully loaded onto six large trucks. Working with cooperation and focus, fellow initiates pack the relief materials of love, and a letter of consolation along with each tent.


In the Midst of Misfortune, True Love Emerges


In front of a truck loaded with relief materials, fellow initiates shake hands with Mr. Said Abdiche, Algerian Consul General in France (second from right).Two Consul Assistants are on either side of the photo.

Many buildings had collapsed in Boumerdes, the epicenter of the earthquake, and residents slept in the streets for fear of aftershocks. Mr. Abdiche observed that the relief materials contributed by the SMCH Association were precisely what the victims needed and added that he was deeply touched by the letter from the Association, from which he learned that Supreme Master Ching Hai had lost sleep upon learning about the quake disaster in Algeria.

Mr. Abdiche placed the death toll at over 3,000, a much higher figure than that reported by the media, and also noted that countless people had been injured. Nearly every structure in the area had to be rebuilt, especially hospitals and schools, as well as victims’ homes. Such a large project would require considerable assistance from the international humanitarian community, and Mr. Abdiche said that it was wonderful to receive love and assistance from groups such as the Association, adding that our act of concern gave him much comfort and confidence.

At the Paris Airport, a native Algerian truck driver from Luxembourg who helped transport the provisions was so touched by Master’s loving concern that he asked to keep as a souvenir the little flag that relief team members had placed on his truck. Those who participated in the work that day could deeply feel Master’s compassion permeating their hearts and making them feel that “we are all truly one.”

Concerted Effort Creates a Miracle of Love


Formosa’s media carry reports on the Algerian operation that transcended borders and sent a clear, forceful message to the world that we should love and care for each other and thus become unified as family.

On June 6, the SMCH Association held a ceremony in Taipei to thank the organizations who supported the “Hand in Hand, Send Love to Algeria”project, and conveyed the good news that all the relief materials contributed by the Association had been safely delivered into the hands of Algerian quake victims. The Initiates thus invited distinguished guests from the groups that had contributed to the success of the operation, including the ROC Foreign Ministry, China Airlines and Morrison Express Corp. Limited, to share the delight of the effort and to witness how sharing kindness and helping others can bring true love and hope to humankind.

Ambassador Lu Ching-lung was extremely impressed by the great efficiency shown by the Association in gathering the relief materials and delivering them to the quake victims in one week. Since Algeria has no official diplomatic relationship with Formosa, delivering, transporting, and gaining customs clearance for the materials posed great difficulties.

Fortunately, however, the wholehearted assistance of European fellow initiates, the International Red Cross, and Consul General Abdiche made it possible for this transoceanic relief operation to be speedily accomplished. Ambassador Lu also praised the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, China Airlines and Morrison Express Corp. Limited for participating in the operation and for conducting “people-to-people” diplomacy for the pride and glory of Formosa.


Letters of Appreciation


(Originally in French)


Democratic People’s Republic of Algeria 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Algerian Embassy, Paris

The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association
Taiwan / Paris

Paris, June 5, 2003

Dear Master,

On June 4, 2003, I sent a letter expressing our deepest gratitude to You for Your significant aid in donating 3571 family tents, 10 000 blankets and 194 jackets to benefit the victims of the disaster in Boumerdes and Alger.

These items were an enormous comfort to those who benefited from them, considering that your aid was urgently sent to Alger on Monday June 2 and Tuesday June 3, and by June 3 it had already arrived and been distributed to the victims.

Now that the distribution of these precious items has been completed, on behalf of our people, I am sending You this second letter to extend once again our deepest gratitude.

We would also like to express through You our gratitude to the administrative organizations, the airlines and all those who contributed physically and morally to this humanitarian work so that your donations could arrive quickly to assist in the emergency in Alger.

Once again, Master, please accept our deepest feelings of respect and gratitude and highest regards, and express our sincerest appreciation to the other groups mentioned above

With fondest regards,
General Consul
Said Abdiche

Expenditures for Algeria Earthquake Relief and Aid Provided by The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association  



Receipt No.




Family Tents



Packing Cost



Stationery and Printing Fee



Local Transportation



Air Freight and Customs Broker’s Fees




NT$5,331,262 (=US$153,417.61)


Previous Page

Expenditures for Charitable Activities in Formosa from January to April 2003
Relief Funds for Needy Households in Formosa -- January to April 2003

Related news coverage and Master's enlightening discourse
are available for online viewing on Sun TV Program serial
No.38, 41, 42 and 43 of
A Journey through Aesthetic Realms