Love in Action

Anti-SARS Together 

Encouragement for the Heroes Combating SARS
Prayers for the Good Health of Our Countrymen

On May 6, 2003, representatives of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, including initiates from the Taipei Center, the Light and Sound Association of National Taiwan University and the Body and Mind Development Society of National Taiwan Normal University, presented over forty sets of gifts to the heroes of the Taipei Fire Department who have been fighting SARS on the front line. The gifts included immunity-strengthening drinks, cards carrying loving wishes, encouraging posters and Master’s News magazines and sample booklets. Fire Department Director Syong Guang-hua received the gifts on behalf of the over forty squads under his command. The Taipei initiates paid special visits to the Zhong-xiao and Fu-xing squads to present them with flowers and gifts and express their encouragement. The initiates also conveyed Master’s love to these groups of anonymous heroes silently serving in the struggle against SARS!


Everyone is a Soldier Combating SARS

As the SARS epidemic continues to affect the country, everyone is responsible for resisting SARS. The Hsihu Center has taken action in this regard by suspending guest visits. Besides, before entering the Center, all initiates are required to don mouth masks, fill out survey forms, have temperature checks and complete disinfection procedures as protective measures against the spread of SARS.


Love and Concern for the Medical Heroes Fighting SARS

On May 12, 2003, International Nurse Day, fellow initiates visited various departments at the Taipei City Hall (photo 1) to extend their support and encouragement and give gifts to city employees. Section Chief Chen Qing-an accepted the gifts (photo 2) on behalf of his colleagues, and thanked the initiates for offering the emotional support that the workers so desperately needed. The initiates then proceeded to the Health Department, where Chief Secretary Xiao Dong-ming received their offering of flowers, morale-boosting posters and Master’s sample booklets and News magazines (photo 3). Mr. Xiao said that the positive encouragement provided by the initiates was precisely what his staff needed at this challenging time, and that all Formosans should strive with one-mindedness to prevent the spread of SARS and overcome the epidemic with love. Fellow initiates later visited the Social Affairs Department, where Secretary Huang Wen-feng accepted their gifts on behalf of her colleagues (photo 4). Ms. Huang said that all the logistical units of the Social Affairs Department were ready to be mobilized to fight SARS in coordination with the city government.

Then, to express their gratitude for the wise, benevolent and courageous performance of local medical and rescue personnel, who at such critical times have forgotten the heavy risks involved to devote themselves to patients unfortunately infected by SARS, fellow initiates proceeded to the Songshan Military Hospital with gifts, flower baskets and cards of salutation (photo 5). Later, at the Armed Forces General Hospital, Deputy Director Xu Shan-shan of the Hospital’s Nursing Department thanked the initiates for their timely support and encouragement, and promised that its medical staff would be allowed on the "battlefield" only when they were perfectly equipped. Ms. Xu also hoped that the staff’s family members would understand and support them, and society would give them greater encouragement (photo 6).


Mouth Masks and Love for Medical Workers

As the people of Formosa worked together for anti-SARS, Formosan members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, with help from their brothers and sisters in the United States, purchased 63,000 surgical masks and N95 mouth masks for local medical workers (photo 7). When the first batch of masks from the other side of the Pacific cleared customs at Chiang Kai-shek International Airport, Association volunteers promptly delivered 12,640 of the mouth masks and 33,000 of the surgical masks to the Department of Health under the government’s central administration. The supplies were received by Specialist Yao Chan-song of the Secretariat of the National Health Insurance Bureau (photo 8). As the Bureau was responsible for allocating anti-SARS resources, Mr. Yao assured the initiates that the masks would soon be delivered to major hospitals and medical centers in Formosa to better protect medical workers dealing directly with SARS patients. The last batch of mouth masks arrived in Taipei in early June and all were donated to medical centers, as local initiates expressed their ongoing concern for the medical workers on the front.

Photo 7

Photo 8

Next Page

Expenditures for Charitable Activities in Formosa from January to April 2003
Relief Funds for Needy Households in Formosa -- January to April 2003

Related news coverage and Master's enlightening discourse
are available for online viewing on Sun TV Program serial
No.38, 41, 42 and 43 of
A Journey through Aesthetic Realms