Love Transforms a Restaurant into Heaven
To share Master’s wisdom and love, fellow practitioners from Korea
planned a series of video seminars to be held around the capital city
Seoul in 2003. The first was conducted in central Seoul on June 22.
With great joy and enthusiasm, Korean brothers and sisters distributed
huge quantities of flyers and posters announcing the event throughout
the nearby districts.
However, two days
before the scheduled date, the university where the seminar was to be
held unexpectedly cancelled our room reservation. Despite this setback,
the fellow initiates managed to find a venue in a nearby restaurant,
which was given a warm, elevated atmosphere through our decorations
and, most importantly, Master’s video lecture. Many unanticipated
guests from the nearby university were guided to the seminar, which
was filled beyond capacity. Also, thanks to Master’s arrangement,
the owner of a nearby café offered to accommodate additional
guests. Thus many hundreds of participants were able to enjoy Master’s
video comfortably.
It was only when
we saw the large numbers of guests flocking in non-stop during the seminar
that we came to understand why the original venue had been cancelled.
It was because if we had held the seminar at the original place, the
university, we would have had no other choice but to stop accepting
more guests due to space restrictions.
the video presentation many people learned the Convenient Method, and
the large turnout for the seminar was more than we ever hoped for. Thank
You, Master, for making this experience so fulfilling and pleasing for
us and our guests and for quenching the thirst of so many new Truth-seekers.
Fruitful Experience
at the Seoul International Book Fair 2003
From June 4 – 9, 2003, Korean
fellow initiates participated in the annual Seoul International Book
Fair at the COEX Ocean Hall in Seoul, distributing flyers and sample
booklets and presenting Master’s publications to guests. By playing
Master’s lecture tapes on the largest TV screen in the hall, local
initiates attracted many of the 180,000 visitors who attended the Fair.
In addition, we made our guests feel welcome and comfortable by providing
a table and seats from which to view the video presentations.
Many visitors already
knew about Master, and some had stopped at our booth in past years when
we participated in the Fair. Adults and children alike loved seeing
Master’s image, and some even held on to Master’s pictures
with great respect.
Besides tending the
booth, our brothers and sisters also joyfully assisted in the preparations,
helping everyone realize the inner peace and love derived from working
for Master. We were very touched since through this activity we once
again could feel that we are all part of one interconnected family.
With the great success we experienced at the Seoul International Book
Fair 2003, we thank Master for Her endless blessings and Love!

Most Successful Video Seminar Ever!

Korean fellow practitioners were overjoyed at
the success of their video seminar held on July 13, 2003 at the Gwanak
Cultural Center in Seoul.
Prior to the seminar,
large numbers of flyers and posters were distributed in the central
and surrounding districts of southern Seoul, and messages about the
event were announced on many websites. Putting up posters of Master
was a great pleasure, especially since we were able to reach so many
sincere beings, many of whom asked for Master’s posters as souvenirs.
In addition, we were happy to see that a truck driver asked us to place
Master’s poster on his vehicle in order to help spread the good
On the day of the
seminar, the sky became ever so bright, guiding seekers to the Truth.
The seminar venue was located near the entrance to a famous mountain
and many of those who were descending from the mountain after hiking
were surprisingly drawn to our lecture hall, arriving with rucksacks
on their backs. In addition, a Buddhist temple is located right next
to the hall, and thus many members of the temple also visited our lecture
upon seeing posters strikingly entitled “Immediate Enlightenment
and Eternal Liberation.” The guests kept flowing into the lecture
hall, and its first floor soon became full. So we had to ask later arrivals
to go to the second floor, and ultimately received hundreds of guests.
Gwanak Cultural Center
is a newly constructed building with state-of-the-art facilities that
is used mainly for professional performances. For the seminar, the lobby
was beautifully decorated with Master’s Longevity Lamps and paintings.
With the sounds of Master’s concert CD “One World ….of
peace through music” wafting through the air, the atmosphere was
fully charged with excitement and happiness. During the video presentation,
most Truth-seekers in attendance were struck by Master’s videotaped
lecture and answers to Her audience members’ questions.
Most participants
stayed until the end of the video, with approximately a hundred learning
the Convenient Method and some applying for initiation. After learning
the Convenient Method, the new practitioners asked many insightful questions,
and thus the question-and-answer period continued for a long time. One
guest who had found out about the event on a website and learned the
Convenient Method told us, “Her lecture was so touching and all
She said was true. She is a truly enlightened Master.”
The video seminar
at the Gwanak Cultural Center was the most successful thus far conducted
in Korea, and thanks to Master’s blessings it went very smoothly
and was highly uplifting for all.

~ Indonesia ~ Thailand ~
USA ~ Canada ~ Chile
Date Book
To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the
local centers of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives.
For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit
the following URLs:
