Spiritual Food at
the Thai and Muslim Foods Exhibition
From May 31 to June 1, 2003, fellow
practitioners from Thailand ran a booth to spread Master’s teachings
at the Thai and Muslim Foods Exhibition held at the Bangkok International
Trade and Exhibition Center. Most booths had various foods on display,
but ours was the only one that presented lectures of an enlightened
Master for the sake of developing visitors’ spirituality.
During the event,
a large number of guests stopped to watch Master’s lecture videos,
showing great interest in the Quan Yin Method. Among the visitors was
a middle-aged man who came to our booth, watched Master’s video
for an hour and said, “This Master teaches so wonderfully.”
It was interesting to see him walk away, return to watch the rest of
the video and then leave contentedly, with a sample booklet in hand.
The booth was frequented by both native Thais and people from other
countries, especially Burmese, who came with the intention of receiving
sample booklets. Later, they persuaded many of their friends to visit
as well, and they in turn requested sample booklets.
Through Master’s
blessing, our exhibition booth at the Thai and Muslim Foods Exhibition
ran successfully and smoothly. Thank You, Master, for thus bringing
Your blessing to Thai initiates, and for giving us the opportunity to
spread Your teachings in response to human beings’ profound need
for spiritual development.

~ Indonesia ~ Thailand ~ USA
~ Canada ~ Chile
Date Book
To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the
local centers of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives.
For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit
the following URLs: