Greatest Way to Become Living Saints on Earth
On July 13, 2003, Toronto initiates
held a public video seminar in the central library of City Hall, North
York, Canada. The event attracted many visitors from diverse countries,
including India, Sri Lanka, Portugal, China, Au Lac and others.
During the seminar,
many attendees were captivated by Master’s spiritual teachings
and transcendent art works, remaining in awe throughout the seminar
as the venue was filled with serenity and joy. Delighting in Master’s
humor while asking spiritual questions, the participants were in rapt
attention to every word.
At the end of the
presentation, over three fourths of the guests decided to stay and learn
the Convenient Method. After the Convenient Method meditation session,
one gentleman gratefully held his palms together and bowed his head,
thanking Master for his great experience. Also, many guests expressed
their sincere gratitude to fellow initiates upon leaving the seminar.
Witnessing countless
examples of selfless devotion from Master and fellow practitioners and
their ongoing efforts to be of service to humankind through such events
is the best indicator that the Quan Yin Method is the greatest way for
us to become living saints on earth!

~ Indonesia ~ Thailand ~
USA ~ Canada ~ Chile
Date Book
To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the
local centers of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives.
For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit
the following URLs: