by Edgar Nadal
Pareja, Piura
[Piura] On May 14,
2004, to welcome the arrival of a Quan Yin messenger in their country,
Peruvian practitioners held a video conference in Piura, a city in the
northern region close to the Ecuador border. Afterwards, they conducted
a tour of several centers in Peru to celebrate our beloved Master’s
In order to spread the news about the conference, the initiates held
a series of interviews on local radio and TV stations, and also spoke
to representatives of the newspapers El Tiempo and La Hora. A Truth-seeking
journalist from the latter paper, took care of the initiates, showed
a great affinity with Master, remained blissfully contented while discussing
spiritual matters and asked to be notified should She travel to Peru.
Feeling very moved, the man commented, “The only thing I’m
missing is a true Master.” The initiates then presented him with
a volume in The Key of Immediate Enlightenment series along with some
leaflets, for which he was very grateful.
On the day of the conference, the journalist sent a reporter to the
auditorium to obtain an interview, and the initiates gave him material
for a news article, as they had done for a few TV station employees
who had interviewed them and was very interested in learning more about
the Quan Yin Method. One of them expressed that he had always searched
for spiritual enlightenment and in doing so traveled to Europe; however,
the meeting with initiates was by far the best opportunity he had ever
had to learn about a world-wide renowned Master. He came to the seminar
venue very early, acquired some of Master’s books, and also learned
the Convenient Method of meditation.
On May 14, the guests arrived customarily early and filled the auditorium
so the seminar began on time. After the video presentation, the initiates
were glad to see looks of joy on the audience members’ faces.
Some declared that they had participated in a great teaching experience
because today the issue of spiritual cultivation is not commonly addressed.
After the seminar more than a third of the attendees learned the Convenient
Method. Among this group was a couple with two young children, and the
husband told the initiates, “I’ve been waiting for this
opportunity for a long time. I’ve been a vegetarian for over ten
years and have also practiced various kinds of meditation. I feel very
moved to have found a living Master who teaches what I wish to learn.”
The touring initiates also felt rewarded while visiting centers in Chiclayo,
Trujillo and Chimbote, where the local sisters and brothers were full
of love and a desire to continue sharing Master’s teachings due
to the joy and blessings they receive from meditation. During these
visits, the initiates took the opportunity to coordinate communication
links between the various centers so that they can support each other
in organizing retreats and other activities.
In the city of Chimbote, an eminent fishing port, among those who received
the Convenient Method was a brother from Chile and an evangelical minister
who had learned about Master from an initiated brother and was convinced
that the wisdom and transparency of Her teachings were very important
as they very much agree with the Holy Scriptures. Finally the minister
told the initiates that he planned to inform his congregation so that
they also can have a chance to learn about Master and Her teachings.
At each of the stops along their tour of Peru’s northern centers,
the initiates concluded their stays with meditation sessions. And each
time the local initiates received them with enormous love so they thank
God for choosing them to share the blessings of our beloved Master Ching
Hai with their compatriots.