by the Bangkok
News Group
[Bangkok] On May
29 and 30, 2004, Bangkok initiates introduced Master’s teachings
to the public by conducting a booth and presenting Her lecture DVDs
at the Thaifex and Halfex 2004 Thailand International Food Exhibition,
an event jointly organized by the Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Thai
Department of Export Promotion (Ministry of Commerce) and German exhibition
organizer Koelnmesse.
During the Exhibition, the fellow initiates also announced a video seminar
to be held on Sunday July 11 at the Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
in Nonthaburi, a Bangkok suburb.
A highlight of the Exhibition was when a two-year-old girl lovingly
kissed Master’s picture at the initiates’ booth, smiling
all the while. In addition, a teenage girl watched one of Master’s
lecture DVDs for a long time, picked up a flyer and brochure about Master,
and then walked back repeatedly to read a volume in The Key of Immediate
Enlightenment series and continue watching Master’s lectures.
Another interesting visitor was a middle-aged man who stood watching
Master’s lecture Listen Inwardly to Our Self Nature with
keen interest, and then told the initiates, “I like the contents
of this DVD very much and want to visit your center to learn more about
Master Ching Hai’s teachings.”
Also, a woman who read a flyer about the Quan Yin Method and Master’s
sample booklet said, “I’ve seen Master somewhere before
but did not recognize Her.” Others seemed drawn to Master’s
vibration and were thrilled to see her on the screen while watching
Her lectures at the booth.
The blessings that Thai initiates
received from participating in the Thaifex and Halfex 2004 Thailand
International Food Exhibition warmed their hearts and opened their love
to the universe through Master’s beautiful arrangement. Thank
You, Master!