from Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Celebration of Cultural Diversity
While Feeling One with God
by the Boston
News Group
[Boston] On May
1 and 2, Golden Year 1, initiates from the Boston Center were blessed
to participate in the 2004 Worcester Multicultural Festival, an annual
event that brings members of the diverse local community together to
share fun, food and festivities and learn about each others’ traditions.
People of many spiritual backgrounds and cultures such as Spanish, Indian,
African, Laotian, Aulacese and Polish participated in the activity,
experiencing a taste of each others’ customs through traditional
costumes, art displays, food, music and a performance program.
The Festival opened with a procession of flags representing a wide variety
of countries. Leading the parade was a group of Scottish men wearing
kilts and playing bagpipes. Initiates of all ages were asked to join
in on the march, and the children had fun getting their faces and arms
painted. Everyone also enjoyed the day’s varied musical and dance
Showing keen interest, visitors to the Center’s booth experienced
a brief overview of Master’s life and work and the Quan Yin Method.
Guests were also informed about local broadcasts of Master’s spiritual
teachings on cable television, and then given free sample booklets.
The practitioners were quite surprised to discover that one of the members
of a Laotian dance group and her family had already heard about Master
and Her teachings. They later revealed that they had learned of Master
through the girl’s godfather, who is an initiate.
At the end of the Festival, on behalf
of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, the Boston
brothers and sisters were invited to participate in a float parade celebrating
American Independence Day. All in all, the 2004 Worcester Multicultural
Festival was a fun and joyful way to spread Master’s spiritual
teachings to the local community.