In commemoration of the first Christmas season of Earth's
Golden Age, initiates from the Montreal Center organized a visit to
their city's Old Brewery Mission for the homeless. For over 108 years
the Mission has served as a safe shelter and kitchen for destitute men
and women of Montreal's downtown and surrounding neighborhoods. Thus,
over the years, the facility's main objective has been to provide care
for Montreal's needy, and on December 19, 2004 local initiates brought
several boxes of canned soup, instant noodles and clothing to help in
this effort.
On a previous occasion, the initiates also donated
money to benefit flood victims in Gonaives, Haiti through OXFAM Quebec,
In addition, knowing that during the current transitional
period at the start of the Golden Age, parts of our planet are being
afflicted with severe natural disasters, the Montreal Center organized
a daily group meditation session from Christmas 2004 through the 2005
New Year's holiday, followed by a retreat to pray that peace and God's
love be bestowed on all of Earth's sentient beings.