Report from USA



Warming the Cold Winter Days
with Divine Love

By the Ohio News Group (Originally in English)

Fellow initiates serve food and distribute gifts to the homeless.
Brand new sweatshirts ready for packing into gift bags for the less fortunate at Christmastime.

On December 26, 2004, initiates from the Ohio chapter of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association brought Master's Christmas love to hundreds of homeless people at the Drop Inn Center in Cincinnati. This year the needs of the local underprivileged population were greater than ever as the area experienced record cold temperatures during the holidays.

The shelter manager only asked the initiates to prepare 200 gift packs for the facility's homeless residents. However, in the past many more of the less fortunate came to the facility on the days when the Ohio initiates served lunch. So this time the sisters and brothers brought a total of 350 Christmas gift packages containing warm sweatshirts, cookies and sweets. Besides these gifts, the work team prepared 400 spring rolls and 20 large trays of fried rice, as well as fresh fruit, salad and drinks.

The Ohio Center initiates have become a familiar presence at the Drop Inn shelter, and are always greeted warmly by the residents and staff. Moreover, on each visit people standing outside the shelter rush to offer their assistance in carrying food and gifts inside as soon as the initiates arrive. So it was no surprise that soon after the sisters and brothers came to the facility on the 26th, the building began filling up quickly with the homeless and other poor residents of the surrounding neighborhood.

The next two hours went by in a blur as the work team continuously served food and distributed gifts. As the day progressed, everyone felt Master's blessings in the calm atmosphere, which was remarkable considering the crowded hall and long lines of people waiting to be served meals. During the visit everyone remained patient, with many people expressing interest in the picture of Master that was standing at the end of the gift table. And afterwards one of the shelter's staff members said, "This is the first time so many people have come to the shelter to receive food and gifts!'

Everyone at the Drop Inn Center expressed their deep appreciation for the Supreme Master's divine love. Seeing their less fortunate brothers and sisters so happy to receive the food and Christmas gifts, the Ohio Center initiates thank Master for Her great arrangement in helping them again learn about serving, sharing and love.


Helping Others
Brings Boundless Joy in Return

By the San Jose Newsgroup (Originally in English)

On the crisp Sunday afternoon of December 19, 2004, a group of initiates from the San Jose Center set out for St. James Park, in the center of the city, to visit and share Christmas presents with God's homeless children.

Although the San Jose Center has been conducting its annual winter gift-sharing activity at the Park for many years, a city ordinance now forbids public distribution of goods to the homeless without prior government approval.  A police officer at the Park informed the initiates of the new rule, and advised them to go to a nearby church instead.  One of the homeless men at the Park overheard this discussion and hurried to the church before the rest of the group, where he explained the situation to the pastor, whom he knew personally.  When the initiates arrived, the pastor asked them about The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association and their intentions, and then enthusiastically granted his permission to distribute the gifts in the church parking lot.  The pastor was supportive and pleasant, and personally came out to help organize the event so that it would proceed in an orderly fashion.

The sisters and brothers distributed almost 100 large sleeping bags, as well as bright, colorful gift bags containing thick socks, sandwiches and cookies.  Upon receiving his gifts, one gentleman said, "I didn't believe in God before, but now I do!"  Seeing the joyful expressions on the faces of this man and the other homeless brothers and sisters, the initiates too felt happiness in their hearts, realizing firsthand what Master has long taught—that we are all intimately related, that helping others is truly helping ourselves, that others" happiness is indeed our own, and that we are all one. 

The San Jose Quan Yin family is grateful for the opportunity to have shared Master's love and light with others during the 2004 Christmas season, and feels deeply blessed to have the greatest and most glorious gift of all, the divine presence of a living Master in our world.  Thank You, Master.

San Francisco, CA.,

Bringing Holiday Cheer
to the Hearts of the Homeless

By the San Francisco Newsgroup (Originally in English)

On December 18, 2004, San Francisco initiates distributed much needed supplies, including sleeping bags, warm jackets, hats, socks, soft drinks and boxes of hot chow mein, to the homeless throughout the city. Each gift bag also contained fortune cookies containing Master's pearls of wisdom and a sample booklet so that the homeless could benefit both spiritually and materially.

The recipients" surprised looks and heartfelt gratitude inspired the practitioners in their efforts as they realized that the relief was penetrating deep into the hearts of their homeless brothers and sisters. As the initiates distributed the supplies, the homeless made comments such as "Now I believe in God!" or "I now believe in Santa Claus!"  On several occasions, the practitioners witnessed heartbreaking scenes of destitute people lying on the ground with only their clothes and a thin sheet to protect them from the harsh elements. In the hope that these people could someday be given a home, the brothers and sisters at least provided them with a modicum of comfort through the relief items. Although it was unfortunate to see so many of the less fortunate living on the city streets, the number of homeless seemed to have decreased over previous years. 

After working late into the night, the fellow practitioners managed to distribute virtually all the supplies they had on hand.  Though the work was difficult and tiring, Master's blessing was ever present, and so the initiates worked with joy and happiness as laughter often filled the truck they used to transport the goods.  Thank You, Master, for another wonderful experience of Your love in action!


Walking the Way of Love
with the Disadvantaged

By Diana Nguyen, Houston (Originally in English)

Every Christmas season Houston Center initiates team up with the Bread of Life Church Foundation to bring holiday cheer to the less fortunate.  On December 23, 2004 the initiates continued this tradition by distributing donuts, coffee, blankets, socks and towels and also presenting Master's video Walk the Way of Love at the Foundation's homeless shelter. Many of the needy people who watched the video and listened to Master's loving words were visibly touched, as were the initiates. After their visit to the shelter the sisters and brothers took to the streets and handed out additional items to people living under highway underpasses.

Then, on December 30 the practitioners returned to the shelter and distributed more aid consisting of blankets, socks, crackers and towels. Along with supporting the needy in their hometown, the brothers and sisters raised US$12,000 for the Indian Ocean Tsunami victims and on January 7 sent the funds to Indonesia.  

The Houston initiates thank Master for Her love and guidance, which they felt all during the 2004 aid distribution project for the homeless, and also wish to say that every kind thing we do for the less fortunate, which we could not accomplish without You, comes from our inner love. In addition, we promise to continue praying for world harmony, for Your good health and for purity in our thoughts, speech and actions!


Enthusiastically Sharing
the Christmas Spirit with the Needyy

By the Florida Newsgroup (Originally in English)

Florida fellow initiates pack Christmas gift bags for their needy friends.

Florida initiates celebrated Christmas, Golden Year 1 by spreading Master's love to those in need. On the night of December 18 before group meditation at the Florida Center, a local brother spoke on the phone with a Costa Rican initiate, who enthusiastically described the Costa Rica Center's Christmas relief project. The initiate’s enthusiasm was like a contagious burst of energy for the Florida sisters and brothers, who became charged with a desire to conduct their own relief work by supplying essential items to homeless people in their area. Thus, local vendors were contacted and within a few hours all the relief supplies were purchased. In addition, the initiates had glorious Christmas cards printed featuring a picture of Master, and these were included in each gift-care package. All these arrangements were made in one night, just in time to take everything to the Florida Center before group meditation.

The following day, after group meditation, the initiates prepared the care packages, which contained toiletries, socks, Christmas cards and Master's sample booklets and everything was ready to deliver on Christmas day. However, the weather changed suddenly that day and it became extremely cold so blankets were also quickly purchased for the recipients. And through Master's blessing, the initiates found a wholesaler who sold blankets at only 25% of their normal market price. The brothers and sisters thus managed to obtain the blankets just in time for Christmas.
In addition to its homeless gift distribution project, the Florida Center held a traditional gift exchange and then a one-day retreat to pray for the victims of the Indian Ocean Tsunami. Throughout all these activities the Florida initiates experienced the joy of giving—creating a true Christmas in every sense of the word. Everyone was saturated with Master's omnipresent love. Thank You, Master!