In the weeks before Lunar New Year 2005, Taipei initiates
were inspired by Supreme Master Ching Hai's universal, loving spirit
to convey warmth and care to the less fortunate in the cold of winter
by conducting a series of relief activities. Approximately three hundred
members of the Taipei Center were mobilized for the project. The volunteers
began by visiting the Taipei City Social Affairs Bureau to obtain
information on popular gathering sites of the homeless and the items
they needed most. To spread the news to the street people, the brothers
and sisters then held up notice boards at these sites announcing the
schedule and venues of the activities.
In late December 2004, a cold front hit Taipei, and
the initiates were informed by the Wanhua District Welfare Center
that the local homeless population was in great need of warm clothing.
So on December 28, the practitioners promptly delivered fifteen cartons
of thick, warm jackets to ease their immediate distress. Then, after
a second supply of winter jackets along with kung-fu shoes, shower
gel, shampoo and shavers was arranged in groups and categorized based
on street surveys done by the Social Affairs Bureau, the initiates,
aided by Bureau staff members, distributed the items to halfway houses
and homeless shelters. The kung-fu shoes symbolized the first step
in finding a job, and were aimed at encouraging the homeless to begin
their lives anew. The initiates also prepared five hundred New Year's
gift bags for distribution, each containing a warm wool hat, gloves,
socks, toothpaste, a toothbrush, a towel, candy, cookies, bread, a
sandwich, a hot drink and last but not least spiritual food—copies
of Master's News magazine.
Then on the morning of January 6, 2005, the volunteers
delivered sixty cartons of winter clothing donated by fellow initiates
to the Jhonghe Shelter for the Homeless. And in the afternoon, they
presented the New Year's gift bags to the Wanhua District Welfare
Center, where Mr.Yang Liou-chi, chief of the social work section of
the city's Social Affairs Bureau and Mr. Lin, a senior homeless representative,
received the items on behalf of the homeless. In his speech, Section
Chief Yang thanked The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
for the care and concern its members have shown to Taipei's street
population over the years, and for its continued efforts in providing
material and spiritual aid.
That evening, guided by several loving, patient social
workers from the Taipei Social Affairs Bureau, the fellow practitioners
visited several districts frequented by homeless people and presented
them with gift bags. Upon receiving Master's gifts of love, the beneficiaries
expressed their deep gratitude as their faces glowed with happiness.
The sisters and brothers were accompanied on these visits by a group
of academics who study the homeless population—Professor Yang of
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Professor Pan
of National Taiwan Normal University and several of their graduate
students. The professors and students were speechless while watching
the Taipei practitioners diligently distribute gift bags oblivious
to the chilly wind and potential danger in the neighbourhoods they
visited, and later said repeatedly, "This has been hard work for you."
Next, on the morning of January 14, the initiates again
delivered approximately a hundred gift bags to the Jhonghe Shelter
for the Homeless, where Director Chen Xue-cheng and a resident representative,
Mr. Zhang, received the items. Director Chen was deeply grateful to
The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association for rendering
aid just as the cold front was moving in. Representative Zhang, being
even more earnest in expressing his thanks, said, "The practical items
and soul-elevating sample booklets and News magazines you've provided
are just what the homeless need most." That evening, another group
of fellow practitioners went to The Peace Abode, a halfway house for
the underprivileged in Taipei, where they were warmly welcomed by
the residents.
Not long after, the Taipei Center learned from the
Social Affairs Bureau that while local needy households received much
help from social welfare groups, some senior citizens living alone
were paid little attention. So on the morning of January 21, the initiates
prepared a supply of heating packs, thermos bottles, rice, nutritional
supplements and copies of Master's News magazine. Then, accompanied
by several social workers and an earnest senior citizen, they visited
over a dozen seniors in the Wanhua District to offer them material
and spiritual support.
The last facility the initiates visited during the
winter 2004-05 Taipei aid project was the Taipei County Ai-Wei Center
on Huafu Hill, Bali Township. The brothers and sisters had previously
visited the Center in September 2004, when they learned that the staff
had set up a computer-learning room in which residents gained new
knowledge and exercised their often deformed and withered fingers.
So, in compliance with the Center's needs, during this visit the initiates
contributed six sets of computer and ten cartons of adult diapers.
Through these activities, the warm flow of God's love shone
through to Taipei's underprivileged on the city's coldest winter days.
And hopefully, the winter 2004-05 Taipei aid project brought a measure
of happiness into the lives of the street people, disabled and senior
citizens living alone, and will encourage these less fortunate brothers
and sisters, who are often forgotten by society, to seek new lives
as they derive hope and power from Master's words of wisdom.
On January 6, 2005, fellow practitioners from Hsinchu,
Formosa visited the Yu-An Children Care Center in Miaoli County, the
Catholic Hua-kuang Social Welfare Foundation in Hsinchu County, the
St. Joseph's Center for Special Education in Hsinchu City, and Miracle
Home which offers counseling and a stable environment for school dropouts,
children from broken families and juvenile delinquents. The initiates
gave gifts of love and conveyed Master's care to the young residents
of these facilities, and at the Yu-An Children's Care Center the director
personally accepted the daily necessities brought by the practitioners
and presented them with a flag to show the Center's appreciation for
Master's charitable acts.
These centers and halfway houses are concrete expressions
of God's love by social philanthropists. The children and young people
in all of the facilities are well provided for and given vocational
training so that they can contribute to society in the future. Hopefully,
as the Golden Age unfolds, humankind will continue to demonstrate
such universal love and fill every corner of the earth with warm compassion.
In the depths of winter 2004-05, the Tainan Center
of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association conducted
a series of activities to provide relief to needy households and other
underprivleged people in their community. On December 26 and 29, 2004,
and January 14, 25 and 29, 2005 local initiates visited the BaiHe
Veterans Home, the Jhupu Elderly Care Center in Yanshuei, the Taizih
Temple Elderly Center, the Hsin Te Chu Hua Cripple School and the
Elderly Home of Sinying Hospital in Tainan County.
During these activities, a videotaped introduction
to Master was presented followed by brilliant entertainment programs,
among which the recital of Master's Wu Tzu Poems received a
resounding response. Several senior citizens asked that the sister-initiates
who recited the verses continue the recitation and teach them how
to recite poetry. The elderly praised Supreme Master Ching Hai as
a great enlightened teacher who fully understands the suffering of
sentient beings, adding that Her short poems accurately portray the
ephemeral nature of earthly life. Moreover, Director Tang Yue-mei
of the Taizih Temple Elderly Center was touched by Master's compassion
and expressed her gratitude with tear-filled eyes. And the staff of
the Jhupu Elderly Care Center showed an interest in learning more
about Master's teachings so that they could be more efficient in serving
the senior citizens at their facility.