From the higher realms, you look down into a little bit lower realm. You see which soul is available and which one you like, and then you ask that soul whether he would like to come up and be your child. And if he’s OK, you just sit there and the kid will come up to you - in the center of the Light. All your family members sit together and concentrate. There has to be the Light in the middle, and the kid will be born in that Light; he will come to your family just like that. Immediately! Probably some Light will look like a lotus, and the kid will be born out of it. And then he becomes your family member immediately, and his spiritual status is immediately also elevated. It’s just like being adopted by a noble family or by a president. Then you become the president’s kid. You become the “First Kid,” no matter where you came from or what kind of background you had. Yes, it’s like that. It’s Not the Certificate, It’s the Newborn Soul that Matters But in our world, a person may be pregnant and has no husband, or the husband deserted her. She has to have a certificate; otherwise you can’t call that person “husband”. And if he doesn’t want it, then a lot of people laugh at her or something like that. But it should not be this way. This is the way of the world. It’s the way of people who have competition and the way of people who look at things physically and critically in a world where they care so much about stupid name and reputation, which is all empty. So it should not be that way. But our world is still very low-level. It cannot accept free love or free kids, free born, free birth or things like that. It still cannot, or too many places cannot. Some places do accept already, and this is good. Being a single parent is maybe more difficult in raising the kid, but it’s OK. It’s no worse reputation than that of a married woman, in my opinion! But in many people’s opinion, maybe yes. And that is a pity. A newborn soul should be welcomed with all love and glory and attention and gladness, so that the soul can develop into the useful person and spiritual being that he really is to begin with. Our world has many incorrect, preconceived ideas, which are very harmful to ourselves and to whomever concerned. If we criticize other people in that case, we are very undeveloped spiritually, because whatever happens is also God’s will. If God meant to give this soul a chance to be a human being, and especially to be a spiritual family’s child, then so be it. It’s no one’s fault that he is there, not even the person who ran away. He is just a vehicle, just a back door so this soul can sneak in, into a family that is spiritually elevated and enlightened. So, he can have a chance to meet the Master and become a spiritually liberated being. Countless Souls Are Waiting Many souls are wandering around in the invisible realms, waiting; they’re dying to come down to be a spiritual person, to be born into and become a member of a spiritual family, so that he or she can see the Master immediately, without going through searching, without going through obligation, obstruction or trouble of any kind. If you are born into a spiritual family, of course you become a spiritual practitioner. Before being born, you are already vegetarian. You are ready to get initiation any time after you are old enough. So there are countless souls hovering around, waiting to be born into your family. Sometimes he or she can go in the front door with full-flying colors and all glory. But sometimes he has to sneak in the back door when you are not aware, using a different means to come in. So do not despise these beings or the vehicle that carries the being until he comes out to us. In fact, marriage in a spiritual sense should be like this: Whenever you express your feelings of love for each other, physically or sexually, you should also remember: “This is a chance that I can offer myself; I can offer my body as a temple for a new being to come, to be liberated by a living Master. This is the chance I am willing to give to my other brothers or sisters who are so much longing to come to this world to meet the living Master.” Giving a Soul a Chance to Be Born The souls don’t always meet a living Master, because if their time comes, they will have to incarnate quickly somewhere else. And it’s not necessarily over there that they could meet the Master in that country or in that time. So whenever the Master is somewhere, living and moving around, the souls are dying to come down; they are praying for it. But many spiritual practitioners, afterwards, do not want to give this chance to other beings anymore. They take contraception or something and just enjoy the expression of physical love, but they forsake the noble purpose that goes along with it, which is to offer a chance for another being to be born into a spiritual-ready family. Of course, I am not telling anyone what to do. I am just saying to you what you want to hear, or what some of you want to hear, in case you see some cases like this. For instance, some of our sisters or brothers have kids without getting a proper certificate - a “stamp” to be husband and wife, or to have a real father or whatever. All are God’s children. Whoever brought him or her into the physical world is only a vehicle, only the means for that soul to come here and meet the living Teaching and become liberated. This kind of chance, you don’t
have in billions or trillions of years, because you can see how difficult
it is. Even if any Master comes, how many people want to follow? And
then, how many people want to stay after following? And how many people
truly practice, even staying? Very few! Every day, how many new souls
come into the world? But not too many new initiates come into our
family. So any newly born soul who comes directly into your spiritual
family, that is the purpose for that one. He is there to practice.
That’s why he came. There is no question, no second thought
about that guy. So any time, if our spiritual person has a kid, welcome
him and help him or help her, in any way you can.