of the Living Master Prevails in Chile
newspapers carry
news about Master's
video lecture.
Before his arrival in Chile, a Quan Yin messenger had heard about the
sincerity of local initiates, who often enthusiastically support Truth-sharing
activities abroad, and whose contact persons are whole-heartedly devoted
to their work. Therefore, it was not surprising that during the most
recent visit by the messenger, many people registered for initiation
and the video lecture we organized was warmly welcomed by the local
the lecture, the Chile Center received many phone inquiries about the
event, which even local initiates thought was unusual. This response
revealed that the concept of spiritual practice has become increasingly
popular as we enter the Golden Age. The venue was filled with huge crowds
before the lecture began. For guests who arrived late and were unable
to find their way into the venue, an extra TV set was hastily set up
to provide a live broadcast of the lecture. The initiates were surprised
at the overwhelming interest in the seminar among local residents.
the initiation, the radiance
of joy is reflected in the faces
of the new initiates.
first outdoor retreat in Chile provides good memories for
local initiates.
Chilean initiates held a two-day outdoor retreat for the first time
under rare circumstances. The venue was 45 minutes' drive from Santiago
at a huge, beautiful lawn dotted with many wooden huts. The participants,
contented and filled with bliss, hoped that this location would become
a venue for future Central American or even international retreats.
Chile Center has taken on a great look through the sincere efforts of
local fellow initiates.