Panorama of Events


Report from Korea

Seoul International
Book Exhibition


[Seoul] An international book exhibition was held at COEX, a hotel and convention center complex in Seoul, from June 1st to 6th. The Seoul Center participated in the exhibition. The event this year was especially meaningful for Korean disciples since Master delivered Her Korea lecture at COEX last year during Her 2000 Ocean of Love Tour. With the concerted efforts and support of fellow initiates, the event was a resounding success! Our booth beautifully displayed Master's large paintings, books, magazines, and art works. We also set up a large-screen television for guests and played Master's video lectures and "One World ... of peace through music" concert tape.

Many visitors to the exhibition showed great interest in Master's teachings. Among them was a woman who visited our booth every day. Also, an exhibitor from the next booth read our sample booklet and said his publishing company would be interested in publishing Master's books.

The last day of the exhibition happened to be Korean Memorial Day, and waves of people visited our booth, completely depleting our sample book supply. We had handed out as many sample booklets in a single day as during the previous five days combined!

After the exhibition, many people called or visited the Seoul Center with inquires, and some learned the Convenient Method. This exhibition presented a precious opportunity for Korean fellow initiates to share Master's teachings with people whose souls had long been eager to meet an enlightened Master!


Helping Others is
Helping Yourself

[Taejun] On June 21, 2001, Korean initiates held a video seminar in the Taejun City Hall that attracted several hundred guests, and although the seminar ended late at night, many stayed behind to seek more information about meditation. It was truly touching to see their longing for the Truth!

Each time we participate in Truth-sharing activities, our faith grows stronger that our efforts to benefit others also help us spiritually. Just as Master has said, "Every little effort to help Master accomplish Her mission, to give others an opportunity to practice and return to the Tao, paves another stepping stone on our road to the Kingdom of God."

Panorama of Events

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News No. 124