Day Special Report
of a Primary Schoolteacher>

fellow initiate "Pencil", Ilan, Formosa
Ever since I started practicing the Quan
Yin Method, my work has become easier and more relaxed. Most incredibly,
I no longer get angry! Before initiation, I often got so mad over
the negative behavior of my students that my stomach would begin to
hurt! Now, I can find nothing to be angry about. As Master says, "No
one is really bad. It is only because of the situation." True
indeed, there are virtually no bad children, only bad habits that
need to be rectified. If we can lovingly help children change their
bad habits, all children will be benevolent and lovely.
initiation, we learn more about respecting life, and naturally we
imbue the children with this concept. Recently, silkworm-raising has
become popular in our school. Every student in school raises them.
While most children treat the worms like toys, the students in our
class love and care for them as if they were babies. They even carefully
prepare bedding for the worms and feed them with mulberry leaves.
When any abnormal phenomenon occurs, they anxiously check their health
and even prepare a sickroom for those worms that are ill. The students
then give them fresh mulberry leaves and pray for them. They do not
discard the sick worms, but nurse them until they are dead, and then
bury them. In this way, the children have much room to mold their
personalities. If their respect for life can become deep-rooted in
their hearts, when they grow up, they will definitely treat other
sentient beings with the same loving attitude.
becoming spiritual practitioners, we see things from a different angle,
and our values also change dramatically. Following Master, we walk
the path of Truth, living a life of accommodation, respect, and love
for others. Observing our examples, children naturally will live a
nobler life.
to Master's education, I have not gotten lost in the vain honor of
being a teacher and in misleading sentient beings. Instead, my teaching
career has become more brilliant and meaningful. 