Day Special Report
of a University Professor>

Narrated by sister initiate Hsiung, Tainan, Formosa
Compiled and recorded by the Tainan News Group
In her four years of teaching in the university, Sister Hsiung has
found that endowments and abilities vary among individuals, and it
is necessary to employ different teaching methods for different types
of students. Usually, we should converse with them sincerely and find
out their true needs. We should not only consider what we want to
give them or stubbornly treat them in ways that suit our habits. Sometimes,
in order to guide students, it is necessary to use a not-so-positive
approach by acting sternly and harshly; we cannot always teach students
with affirmation and encouragement.
into consideration the different values of students, we must learn
to tolerate and accept them with love, and perhaps even with appreciation.
Since practicing the Quan Yin Method, I have naturally forsaken some
egoistic concepts, learned to put down my ego and mix with the students,
and become one of them. I have also learned how to convey correct
concepts, love, and concern to them, in a casual and jovial manner.
As I watch
students of different age groups and family backgrounds come and go
each year, one of my great realizations has been that I have overcome
some hidden problems in my heart. Teaching and learning reciprocally
and simultaneously, I have been able to utilize the wisdom derived
from practicing the Quan Yin Method, to face and solve difficulties
in teaching. In an indiscernible way, I have revealed God's love to
Hiers children, and let them feel this peaceful, blissful, tranquil,
and positive power in the universe. 