Is Saintliness
Fellow practitioners
clean the streets and parks near the Johannesburg Center.
[Johannesburg] Johannesburg initiates
rent a huge hall from a Buddhist group to use as their center. From
a physical standpoint, the location is beautiful, being right on top
of a hill with a 360 degree view of the city. However, the surrounding
neighborhood is rather poor and the streets near the center are frequently
littered with garbage. And often, parties go on outside during our group
meditation sessions, with loud music and people drinking profusely,
having a very merry time. Many of the practitioners often joke about
enjoying the group 'party' instead of concentrating inwardly during
We decided not to move the location of the center just yet, but
rather to beautify it, as an example of cleanliness for local residents.
On a number of occasions, we have arranged environmental cleanup days,
which involve fellow practitioners cleaning the streets and parks near
the center. Equipped with cleaning materials, our Association's yellow
and green coats, and a small backpack containing sample booklets, we
have often been approached by neighbors inquiring about our group who
are grateful for our clean up efforts. Some have even offered to help
us clean. When the parks are clean, more of the younger children come
out to play, as their parents feel it is safer for them.
Once, two young girls approached a fellow brother and took a
sample booklet. They told us that they are not normally allowed to visit
the park because it is so dirty and that they had come that day because
we had cleaned it up. One of the girls said, "I think it is very
good, what you are doing, because my mom tells me that cleanliness is
saintliness. Now we can enjoy the park". One of the practitioner's
daughters, who is not even initiated, always comes to help, as she likes
to see the parks clean. This demonstrates how others can be influenced
by our own goodness and sincerity, as Master often teaches us by Her
shining example. 
Sharing God's Message at Leeuwkop Correctional Services
at Leeuwkop Correctional Services attentively watch Master's video. |
[Johannesburg] In May
of 2001, thanks to God's perfect arrangement, Johannesburg initiates
were able to visit Leeuwkop Correctional Services, a prison situated
in a peaceful area in the northern part of the city. We had tried to
go to the prison previously, but were unsuccessful. However, it took
just one God inspired phone call at the right time for all matters to
run smoothly and to ensure a successful visit.
We first held a meeting with the administrative staff, introducing
our association and Master's teachings, and afterwards showed the video,
"Walk the Way of Love" and a video of Master's lecture in
Johannesburg during Her Middle Eastern and African tour in 1999. During
the presentation, the audience remained quiet and attentively engaged
in Master's words and silent blessing. Afterwards, we answered many
sincere questions and later returned to the prison to teach several
administrative staff members the Convenient Method and distribute vegetarian
We then arranged for each prisoner to receive the sample booklet,
"The Key of Immediate Enlightenment." About 1500 inmates reside
at Leeuwkop Correctional Services, and a few weeks later we held a seminar
to address interested inmates. Many who attended were fixed on Master
with rays of hope beaming from their eyes. And the questions that were
asked proved the sincerity and simple hearts of many of the so called,
"prisoners." One fellow practitioner offered 1500 pairs of
socks to the prison, which were then distributed to the inmates. We
were touched to see the happy faces and smiles of gratitude when the
inmates received these seemingly insignificant gifts. Due to time constraints
and limited space, we had to return later to teach the Convenient Method.
We believe that this was Master's arrangement so that we could ensure
the inmates' sincerity.
Now we visit Leeuwkop prison each week for a question and answer
discussion, video showing, group meditation and Convenient Method transmission.
At a recent session, one inmate stood up in front of the whole class
to affirm his faith in God's power transmitted through the "Divine
Goddess" Master Ching Hai, whereas when he first came into contact
with Master through the sample booklet and video seminar he had many
We thank you, Master, for this wonderful opportunity to spread
God's message in a place where it is most needed and appreciated. 
Related Article: Master of Peace and Love