From October 20 to 22, 2001, a regional retreat was held at the Corpthorne
Harbor View Hotel, Singapore to pray for world peace and to commemorate
Ching Hai Day on October 25.
It was truly
a blessing from Master that an affordable and suitable venue was found.
The hotel had been newly refurnished and even the carpet in the meditation
ballroom was in mint condition. Throughout all the meditation sessions,
fellow initiates experienced deep tranquility and a contemplative mood.
Hai Day Celebration

joyfully commemorate a Happy Ching Hai Day.
the end of the three-day retreat, all friends and relatives of initiates
were invited to the retreat's Ching Hai Day celebration, where they
were treated to games, good fun and of course, lots of tasty food!
celebration started with some dances, and in no time, everyone was bursting
with energy and high spirits. Then, the celebration switched into a
more cultural and romantic mood with some soft melodies that tenderly
melted everyone's heart. Most lovingly, one initiate performed his just
completed composition dedicated to Master, "Just the Only Way."

Para Para dance imbues everyone with high spirits.
groups of initiates then raced to re-arrange the cards in their hands
into Master's recent words: "May we understand each other through
more peaceful ways." Not only did this game draw laughter, but
it instantly reminded us of Master's words. The next game involved circles
of dancing initiates, holding one another's hands, growing larger and
larger until everyone including the guests participated. The whole hall
was vibrating with a truly united group spirit.
highlight the significance of Ching Hai Day, a short video of the declaration
of Ching Hai Day by the Mayor of Honolulu on 25 October 1993 was shown.
Then everyone present took a moment of silence to pray for world peace.
Some initiates were invited to cut the huge "Happy Ching Hai Day"
cake, amid everyone's rhythmic clapping and singing of the song specially
composed for this occasion, "You Are the Only One."