Spreading Loving
Vibrations to
Comfort Longing Souls
[Los Angeles] After the 911 incidents
in New York and at the Pentagon, initiates from the Los Angeles Center
followed Master's advice and met for group meditation each day of the
week at several locations. Fellow practitioners also wished to spread
a more positive and loving vibration during this difficult time, so
we prepared thousands of flyers and brochures bearing Master's photo,
bookmarks and material about the Quan Yin Method, which included information
on our TV broadcasts, website and telephone numbers.
Fest 2001
is the time of year when people from all walks of life gather for many
festivals celebrating the coming Fall. This October was no exception,
and several festivals were scheduled in different locations within driving
distance of Los Angeles Center disciples.
World Fest,
which celebrates a vegan (pure vegetarian) lifestyle, was the first
of these October festivals that we attended. This festival always takes
place in the Hollywood area of Los Angeles and more than 10,000 people
usually attend. The Hollywood crowd is not an easy group to impress.
However, this year was different. Perhaps the recent disasters in the
U. S. caused everyone to look within and reflect about his or her own
Some initiates
created a collage of photos with exclusive images of our Relief Team
handing out food at the 911 Disaster Relief Booth located near Ground
Zero of the World Trade Center. Festival goers were highly impressed
by this collage. Many people eagerly accepted the information we handed
them about Supreme Master Ching Hai and the Quan Yin Method, and stayed
around to request more information and/or be interviewed for the TV
program "A Journey through Aesthetic Realms."
One young
woman who has been a vegan for many years felt drawn to our booth and
stared unblinkingly at Master's photo. Just recently, she received an
inner message about Quan Yin Boddhisatva and felt it was no coincidence
that the Method Master teaches shared the same name.
The All Asian Harvest Moon Festival
following Sunday, we set our sights on the All Asian Harvest Moon Festival,
held in an area near Los Angeles where many Chinese Americans live.
The atmosphere and vibrations were comfortable as the Festival's booths
formed a circle and each looked like a small castle with colorful banners
flowing in the gentle autumn breeze.
Once again,
a colorful collage of photos formed an artistic gallery where festival
goers could walk around and look at the pictures of the 911 disaster
up close. Thousands of people came to our booth and happily picked up
free flyers, brochures, News Magazines and complimentary sample booklets.
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