by the Pingtung
News Group
[Chaojhou] In Chinese
culture, May is a season for thanksgiving so on May 16, 2004, in gratitude
to the Supreme Holy Mother for guiding countless souls to liberation,
fellow initiates from Pingtung held an exhibition of Her art work and
provided free medical consultations at the Laiyi Center. A seminar presenting
Master’s videos was also held to introduce local residents ways
to remain healthy and happy in body, mind and spirit so that humankind
can more effectively create an earthly paradise of Truth, virtue and
On the sunny day of the 16th, the initiates worked with one heart to
decorate the Center, displaying a rich array of Master’s art works,
including Her elegant Celestial Clothes, uniquely radiant Longevity
Lamps, profoundly meaningful paintings and transcendent music. This
enchanting spiritual feast was accompanied by cold drinks and snacks
served to visitors to ease the effects of the afternoon heat. On either
side of the Laiyi Center’s entrance, a team of initiate medical
professionals provided free consultations and diagnoses to local residents.
The activity began with a sensational dragon dance, followed by a series
of brilliant performances by fellow initiates. The rich diversity and
quality of the entertainment program won loud rounds of applause from
the audience. Later, a video presentation of the soul-inspiring concert
One World … of peace through music and one of Master’s
lectures held the guests enraptured in Her infinite love.
A resident-initiate then briefly
introduced the Quan Yin Method, inspiring many guests to learn the Convenient
form of practice. These new practitioners were blessed with very good
inner visions, including one man who was unable to express his innermost
feelings and could only exclaim, “Not bad! Not bad!” An
elderly meditator who was very interested in Master’s message
acquired several Chinese and English editions of Her books and enjoyed
a heart-to-heart conversation on spiritual practice with a brother initiate.
This first contact with Master’s teachings brought a glow of bliss
to the man’s face. And although he was unable to receive initiation
into the Quan Yin Method due to his age, he nonetheless gained much
from learning the Convenient Method. As the free medical consultations
outside the Center attended to the physical and mental health of the
local community, the Truth-sharing seminar inside prescribed an effective
“medicine” for soul liberation, giving aspirants a taste
of freedom and bliss.
Through Master’s blessing, the event drew to a successful close,
and the Pingtung brothers and sisters were delighted to have had another
opportunity to help local residents grow in body, mind and spirit, hoping
that in the current Golden Age of higher spiritual consciousness, the
Earth’s population will come to lead happier lives of love and