Love in Action

North Korea


Assisting the Typhoon and Torrential Rain Affected


By Formosa News Group (Originally in Chinese)

From mid-June to late August 2012, typhoons and torrential rains struck North Korea, causing more than 900 people to lose their lives, be missing, or injured, while displacing nearly 290,000 people and producing incalculable agricultural losses. As soon as Supreme Master Ching Hai heard the news, She contributed a relief fund of US$30,000 and requested Association members to render aid to those affected.

The Formosan relief team bought emergency supplies of flour, vegan protein, instant noodles, instant porridge, biscuits, and rice, and on September 14 shipped the items to the North Korean Red Cross for distribution to those most in need.


Receipt for the purchase and delivery of relief supplies totaling NT$888,859 (approximately US$30,000)




Bolivia, Brazil, Peru / Mexico /Belize / Haiti / Russia / Nigeria / USA / North Korea / Âu Lạc / Pakistan / India / Bangladesh/ The Philippines / China / Expenditures by Supreme Master Ching Hai and Her International Association for Charitable and Relief Activities in Formosa from January to June 2012

To view the Humanitarian Relief Activities by the Supreme Master Ching Hai and Her International Association, please visit:
(The list can be sorted by year, country/region and type of events.)