by Joys,
Regardless of today’s highly sophisticated technology
and great advances in material comfort, many people are motivated
to seek knowledge of what lies beyond the physical realm, as was evident
during Canada’s first annual Yoga Show & Conference held
at the Metro Toronto Convention Center from November 21 to 23, 2003
and attended by local initiates.
The Show is regarded as the largest
and most important yearly gathering of yoga practitioners in the country,
and so it gave Toronto initiates a chance to meet many sincere Truth
seekers who expressed interest in finding a real Master.
During the Show many people who visited
Master’s booth raised highly spiritual questions and were deeply
interested in Her message. For example, one visitor, a yoga teacher,
said, “I’m overjoyed to finally find a true Master!”
During the Show, the initiates also met many people who had learned
of Master in other countries or cities, or who had attended our Association’s
previous seminars or exhibitions in Toronto. These and other guests
acquired more information about Master’s teachings, and one
elderly woman signed up to learn the Convenient Method, saying, “I
prefer this meditation compared to yoga practices, and I would like
to share the blessings with my friends in the nursing home where I
As the event neared its end, a woman
rushed up to our booth and later told us an interesting story. Once
when she was with a client, the client suddenly said, “Quan
Yin Bodhisattva is with us.” The client next explained to her
that Quan Yin Bodhisattva — the Goddess of Mercy — would
one day be the woman’s spiritual guide. Upon seeing the “Quan
Yin Method” banner hung over the Toronto Center’s booth
the woman was reminded of this incident and felt encouraged to come
by for a visit. After learning the significance of the Method, she
then added, “I’m very happy to know about Supreme Master
Ching Hai.”
The initiates who worked at the 2003
Yoga Show & Conference were happy to see the immense appreciation
shown by the public for our Master and for those who contributed their
unconditional love in sharing Master’s teachings at the event.
Having a living Master on Earth, the Toronto brothers and sisters
sincerely feel that they are indeed the luckiest yogis in the world!

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