Xue-yun Zhang Taipei
[Taipei] On
November 15, 2003, fellow initiates from the National Taiwan University
(NTU) Light and Sound Association launched their third Truth-sharing
activity at the University. The theme of the event was “New
Life in the Golden Era — the Ideal Healthy Lifestyle of the
Vegetarian Generation.” In high spirits, initiates from universities
and colleges across northern Formosa gathered on NTU’s Palm
Boulevard early in the morning to decorate the venue and distribute
fliers, earnestly hoping that the good news about the Quan Yin Method
would reach every corner of the campus.
on the sides of the Association’s exhibition booth were replica
prints of Master’s paintings Flowers in the Heart Never Whither
and Mangosteen, perfectly complementing Her photo, which
was placed at the back of the booth facing visitors. Master’s
lecture videos were shown continuously on a TV screen while the fellow
practitioners worked eagerly to accommodate visitors. All through
the day the initiates got a warm reception from guests as wave after
wave flowed in and out of the booth. Displayed side by side with many
other books on healthy eating was Master’s Supreme Kitchen
cookbook, and early in the morning, two alert mothers with good
affinity came to the venue and asked specifically to purchase the
book. Also, a number of visitors came forward to make inquiries, and
many enrolled to learn the Convenient Method.
noon, several young students were already waiting to learn the Convenient
form of practice on the lawn behind the exhibition booth. Their sincerity
and longing were clearly discernible, and at 2:00 p.m. sharp these
eager Truth-aspirants formally became members of the Quan Yin family
through a Convenient Method instruction session. During the transmission,
some of the fellow initiates witnessed their relatives board the “Convenient
Method train” and thus begin to enjoy Heavenly bliss while on
earth as their faces glowed with joy and contentment.
Observing the booth’s counter become empty
as Master’s cookbooks, sample booklets and other publications
were acquired by visitors, and seeing the peace and tranquility on
the faces of the new Convenient Method practitioners, the initiates
realized that their Truth-sharing activity at the National Taiwan
University had come to a successful conclusion. The brothers and sisters
who participated the fair plan to continue passing the torch of Truth
through such events until as many souls as possible attain immediate
enlightenment and liberation in one lifetime! 

by Hui-wen
Chen, Chiayi
From November 5 to 9, 2003, The Supreme Master Ching Hai International
Association again participated in Formosa’s annual National
Religion Expo held at the Dounan Sports Field. The Association’s
exhibit, expressing the theme “God Takes Care of Everything,”
included a brief introduction to Supreme Master Ching Hai and the
Quan Yin Method and an attractive display of Her publications. The
focus of the exhibit was the newly published illustrated book of wisdom
tales God Takes Care of Everything. On the evening of November
7, initiates working at the Expo held a well-attended Truth-sharing
seminar featuring Master’s lecture videos shown on a huge projection
screen, along with a Convenient Method teaching session.
From its preparatory stages to its conclusion,
the event gave testimony to Master’s incredible potency, which
takes perfect care of everything and leads people with affinity to
establish contact with Her when the time is right. For example, on
the eve of the event, members of a local religious group approached
the work team to ask if they could arrange the seats in the venue
in advance so as to expedite their activity, which was unexpectedly
re-scheduled to occur immediately after the Quan Yin seminar. The
fellow initiates gladly complied with the group’s request and
the next day were surprised to find that because of this arrangement,
all the seats in the venue had been properly placed. Also, the group’s
members turned out to be a loyal audience for the showing of Master’s
lecture videos.
A constant stream
of guests visits The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
exhibit. |
The Truth-sharing seminar featuring
Master’s video lectures shown on a huge projection screen
is a major focus of attention at the Expo. |
Through the Expo, many of the religious people
and other guests attained a deeper understanding of Master’s
teachings, and went a step further by learning the Convenient form
of practice or requesting initiation into the Quan Yin Method. One
new Convenient Method practitioner shared with the initiates how she
was guided to the Expo by seeing its well-lit lamps when she had lost
her way that day, and also how she was attracted by Master’s
enchanting image on the large projection screen upon entering the
venue. The sister also expressed a sincere desire to receive Quan
Yin initiation in the near future. Another gentleman said that while
meditating with the Convenient Method, he had had his first experience
of an inner vision.
The initiates who participated in the 2003 National
Religion Expo are deeply thankful to their merciful Master for giving
local residents another opportunity to learn about the Quan Yin Method
of meditation. They also thank Master for bestowing Her boundless
grace on the event, which elevated them both tangibly and intangibly.