Eve and Aea, Bangkok
[Chiang Mai] On November
23, 2003 a seminar featuring Master’s videos was held at Yuparach
College in Chiang Mai Province, northern Thailand, a beautiful area
known for its breathtaking ancient temples, towering mountains and
picturesque geysers, as well as for the hospitality of its indigenous
fellow practitioners promoted the seminar by placing announcements
in the local media, distributing flyers and putting up posters, thus
attracting many Truth-aspirants to the event. One of the attendees,
a professor of religion at Chiang Mai University who brought along
his students, expressed a sincere hope that all young people will
soon have the opportunity to understand and practice the Quan Yin
Method. Many of the other participants also had positive responses
to Master’s lectures and were touched by Her infinite love.
For instance, one middle-aged guest who had been jogging past the
conference room happened to see Master’s poster affixed to two
nearby trees, and felt eager to join in the event. He was initially
worried about being improperly dressed, but due to his sincere interest
and Master’s blessing, he participated and learned the Convenient
Method. The man told the initiates that it was easy for him to become
a vegetarian. Because in the past he had been very aggressive, but
during the traditional Buddhist vegetarian food festival season in
October he ate vegetarian cuisine and noticed that his disposition
changed significantly for the better.
watching Master’s video lecture, about a third of the audience
members learned the Convenient Method, and some asked to register
for initiation. Many who learned the Convenient form of practice had
excellent experiences, and afterwards all the guests enjoyed a meal
of delicious blessed food. Due to Master’s unconditional love
and infinite Light, the seminar thus ended in an atmosphere of great
exhilaration and contentment. 
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