by the Seoul News Group

[Busan] In November, 2003, a very special and beautiful video seminar was held for firefighters at the Busan South Fire Station. In September 2003, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated USD 50,000 for the relief of Korean victims of Typhoon Maemi. Part of this amount was offered to the firefighters injured during the rescue work. Touched by the Supreme Master’s mercy and love Chief Seong Yong-Pan invited members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association to conduct a video seminar about Her teachings and the Quan Yin Method of meditation for the Station’s firefighters and volunteers on November 8, the forty-first anniversary of Korean Firefighting Day.

At the beginning of the seminar, Chief Seong introduced the initiates to the audience of 120 and described Master Ching Hai and the benefits of practicing the Quan Yin Method in detail. The initiates could not believe that Mr. Seong, a non-initiate, could speak so accurately and profoundly about Master, and were extremely pleased to hear his warm introduction. He also strongly encouraged everyone to open their minds, pay attention to the seminar and pursue the Method. Following the video presentation, some of the firefighters, including the Chief himself and several high-level officers, learned the Convenient Method of meditation.

Kim Seong-Gi, one of the firefighters who received Master’s monetary gift, expressed his thanks to Her as follows: “Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai, I received medical treatment and became much healthier thanks to You. I will try and better my life from now on. Thank You.” Then Hwang Jeong-Shik, a fleet manager who learned the Convenient form of practice, said, “I’m happy today to have this opportunity to learn about the meaning of life. Today’s meditation was good and I’ll try my best while on this Path.” In addition, fire investigation head Kim Ju-In, another new Convenient Method practitioner, said, “I think the meditation will be helpful in my life, and by practicing spirituality I can realize my true Self. Master’s comment that God is within us impressed me.”

Chief Seong added, “I’ll put unceasing effort into my practice and I believe it will have a great effect and bring about progress. I’ll continuously strive for that and also provide advice and information to other fire stations so that the staff there can learn the Method as well.” And then regarding Master he said, “She is very beautiful and humorous, and I’m very touched to know that She doesn’t accept funds from initiates but earns money by creating Heavenly art, thus helping needy people around the world with Her earnings.”

This was the first video seminar held in a government-owned facility in Korea. Although there were no flyers or posters involved in its promotion, as with other large-scale seminars in the country, the event was a remarkable success, suggesting a new way to convey Master’s teachings to the public.

Master’s Heavenly Message

Pervades Daegu City

by the Seoul News Group
On the day of the Daegu seminar, all the seats in the venue were quickly filled.
Participants enthusiastically register to learn the Convenient Method.

[Daegu] On November 9, 2003, with the help of brothers and sisters from other Korean centers, Daegu initiates conducted a seminar featuring Master’s videos in their city (Korea’s third largest) for the first time in four years.

The venue, a hall at the Suseong Tourist Hotel, was beautifully decorated with vibrant floral arrangements, and its luxurious lobby made more attractive with a display of Master’s luminous paintings and Longevity Lamps. Sisters in colorful Korean traditional clothes welcomed guests, while other initiates served tea, coffee and candies from a table near the entrance.
Daegu residents showed great interest in this special spiritual event, as shown by the fact that some guests arrived two hours early. The hall’s three hundred seats were quickly filled so an additional seventy seats were set up, and these were also filled in no time.

Many guests were completely engrossed in Master’s video, showing that they sincerely yearned for the Truth. After the video presentation, exactly a hundred people learned the Convenient Method. Among the new practitioners was one who said he had long been seeking a better life, felt overjoyed at seeing a poster announcing the seminar, came to partake in the event and learned the Convenient Method. All the participants obtained sample booklets and copies of Master’s News magazine, and some even requested additional booklets for their friends.

In front of the information Desk, guests show their great interest in Master’s teachings by eagerly studying Her publications.

After the seminar, Daegu Center initiates remained busy responding to inquiries from local residents, and even more people came to the Center to learn about Master. One week later, the Center held a welcoming party for the new practitioners, who enjoyed delicious vegetarian food, and exchanged ideas about Master and the Quan Yin Method. On the same day, many applied for initiation. Thus, thanks to Master’s infinite grace, many more longing souls were given the opportunity to join the Quan Yin family and attain liberation in one lifetime.

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To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events worldwide.
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