the Johannesburg News Group
On November 13, 2004, brothers and sisters from Johannesburg
conducted a long awaited video seminar at their center to share Master’s
teachings with local residents. To open the event, a DVD of Master’s
lecture at the 1999 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Cape
Town was presented to a highly attentive audience.
After the question-and-answer session,
approximately half of the guests stayed to learn the Convenient Method
of meditation.
Some of the participants had interesting
stories to relate about how they had found
Master. For example, one man said that a long forgotten copy of Master’s
sample booklet “jumped” at him as he was looking for something
on the top shelf of his cupboard. When he learned about the video seminar
from a friend, he knew he had to attend. He is now a proud CM practitioner
and is planning to adopt a full vegetarian diet in preparation for initiation.
In addition, two women who appeared to
be mother and daughter were drawn to an announcement about the seminar
they had seen in a local newspaper, and were determined to attend and
find out more about Master. Now they are CM practitioners as well.
Another woman said that she had been practicing meditation on her own
and was looking for a group to join. After participating in the video
seminar she too is preparing for initiation. Yet another lady, a palm
reader, whom the practitioners had met the previous weekend at a spiritual
fair, came to the seminar after experiencing strong energy coming from
the initiates’ booth at the fair. She explained that during the
fair she had stopped three times while doing her readings as she sensed
the positive energy coming from Master’s DVD-lecture, and felt
that she and the initiates had been placed near each other so that she
could send many of her clients to the initiates’ booth after telling
them that Master’s teachings were what they really needed.
These and the other happy stories that
emerged from the November 13 seminar can only be attributed to Master;
as sincere Truth-aspirants realize that She always calls them to Herself
rather than the other way around. The Johannesburg initiates are very
grateful to Master for the wonderful opportunity they were given to
share the good news about Her teachings in Golden Year One. 
South Africa
Hong Kong