Nectar Showers
in an Ancient Land of Saints
Van Nguyen and Ella Fert, Montreal
In celebration of Ching Hai Day 2004, local fellow practitioners held
a video seminar at the Montreal Center to introduce Master’s teachings
to the public of Quebec, long known as a blessed land of living saints,
who have left many marks of their sainthood by way of street names and
public monuments.
In the week before the seminar, the initiates actively distributed flyers
and placed notices in local newspapers, triggering many inquiries. And
on the day of the event, the Center was thoroughly cleaned and nicely
decorated with fresh flowers. During the video lecture presentation,
a happy sense of upliftment and joy pervaded the seminar hall, and afterwards
the audience members asked few questions because all had been answered
while they watched Master’s video. Then, several guests learned
the Convenient Method of meditation.
Spanish man told us that he had known of Master since Her lecture at
the University of Montreal in the Spring of 1993, and was reconnected
with the Montreal Center after seeing the Center’s ads in the
local Metro newspaper. This time he made a firm commitment to sign up
for the Convenient Method. In addition, a tai chi enthusiast, now a
Convenient Method practitioner, shared his experience of seeing an angel
in a vision while doing tai chi. He was excited to learn that he could
repeat this experience in his everyday practice and moreover get numerous
benefits that can lead him to a calmer, more carefree life. Thus, his
search for a meditation method ended when he encountered Master’s
The greatest joy of working on the Montreal
video seminar came from seeing the happiness and benefits others received
from the event, which not only introduced Master’s teachings to
Quebec residents but also brought about various joyful experiences that
benefited all. The Montreal sisters and brothers are thus most grateful
for the opportunity to have learned the spirit of unconditional love
and care shared among neighbors. Thank You, Master! 
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