A Great Public Response at a
Martial Arts Festival
the Seoul News Group
Chungju City in South Korea’s Chungbuk Province is famous
for its splendid scenery, including the nation’s largest lake,
Chungju Lake, and for its delicious apples. The region is also home
to Korea’s traditional martial art called Taekkyon. Thus, from
October 1-7, 2004, the City was host to the Seventh Annual Chungju World
Martial Arts Festival, in which sixty martial arts teams from 34 countries
participated, attracting 910,000 guests.
This year Korean members of The Supreme
Master Ching Hai International Association participated in the Festival
for the first time by operating three booths: one for meditation, another
to promote vegetarianism and a third to showcase alternative medicine.
And of all the booths at the Festival, the Association’s booths
were the most successful and popular.
In preparation for the event, initiates
from Centers all over South Korea, especially Youngdong, Seoul and Daejeon
combined their efforts to make the affair successful. The Seoul Center
organized the meditation booth, the Daejeon Center was responsible for
the vegetarian corner, and two Seoul sisters provided free medical advice
for guests at the third location, while residents from the Youngdong
Center coordinated all the activities.
In the meditation area, Master’s
videos were shown continuously on a large TV so that all the visitors
could be enveloped by Her blessing energy, and Master’s artworks
were also displayed in the booth so that guests could soak in their
divinely artistic atmosphere. The initiates arranged numerous chairs
for the visitors’ comfort and provided free coffee and tea for
those watching the lecture videos.
Meanwhile, in the vegetarian corner, the
Daejeon sisters and brothers offered free, delicious vegetarian food
samples, and also sold reasonably priced vegetarian box lunches, which
proved to be very popular with Festival participants.
A wide array of visitors from around the
world was attracted to the meditation corner, including yogis and martial
arts practitioners. And because the booth was constantly filled with
people, the initiates could not teach the Convenient Method of meditation
on site; however, the many eager guests who applied to learn the CM
were taught at a special house in a different location, and everyone
was extremely satisfied with the arrangement. In addition, some who
learned the Convenient Method also applied for full initiation.
After conversing for two hours with a Youngdong resident,
the head of a neighboring booth promoting yoga applied for initiation,
and the director of the Hapkido Academy in Daejeon City also applied
because he had long practiced Hapkido (a martial art form emphasizing
self-defense), but experienced the limitations of a strictly physical
practice and was looking for something to take him beyond the material
realm, so he became very interested in the Quan Yin Method.
Moreover, a university lecturer from the
U.S who had practiced many spiritual techniques such as yoga and Zen
but sought something higher was introduced to the Quan Yin Method thought
it could be the ultimate practice, took a sample booklet and a couple
of days later also applied for the Convenient Method.
As the Festival came to a close, several
Chungju City officials visited the initiates and said the booths operated
by The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association had received
much attention and interest, and thus the Association was invited to
participate in next year’s Festival. The officials then added,
“We greatly appreciate your efforts in contributing to the success
of the event.”
In conclusion, the 2004 Chungju World
Martial Arts Festival was a meaningful opportunity to share the Quan
Yin Method and the benefits of vegetarianism with many residents of
Chungbuk Province. During the activity, fellow initiates from all over
Korea came together in joyful harmony and truly experienced the wonders
of the Golden Age. 
the Busan News Group
[Busan] From October
21-23, 2004, Busan City hosted the Busan NGO Festival in which The Supreme
Master Ching Hai International Association participated, along with
approximately 120 other organizations.
The Association’s booth, set up
by Busan Center practitioners, was located near the Festival’s
main entrance so that the attention of all the visitors entering the
gate was caught by Master’s clear, graceful voice through audio
or video recordings. Many people were also attracted by Master’s
beautiful photos and by the fellow initiates’ congenial manner.
The practitioners had initially set up
a TV screen on a grassy field at the Festival venue so that guests could
watch Master’s DVDs; however one of the event’s supervisors
told them to move elsewhere. Thus the initiates were inspired to set
up a tent theater featuring a projector and large screen in an area
with long benches so that people could watch Master’s lectures
in comfort and without interruption. The initiates deeply thanked Master
for this magnificent arrangement!
Several visitors who watched Master’s
DVD lectures asked the brothers and sisters spiritual questions while
others discussed Master’s wonderful publications and the nature
of vegetarianism.
During the Festival the Busan practitioners
sincerely contributed their time and effort in sharing the good news
about true enlightenment and eternal liberation with visitors. In describing
her experience at the event, one sister-initiate said, “I personally
feel the benefit of knowing the Truth so I try to share it with others
as much as possible. As well as carrying out my work and family duties,
I also like to devote my time to doing God’s work.” Even
more inspirational is the fact that many local practitioners attend
almost every Truth-sharing activity in the area with a similar ideal,
so their hearts and souls are constantly filled with happiness and spiritual
After this year’s highly successful
Busan NGO Festival came to a close, all the fellow practitioners who
participated gathered at the Busan Center, meditated together and then
joyfully celebrated the 11th anniversary of Ching Hai Day. 
South Africa
Hong Kong