
Prophecies for the New Centaury

Priceless Reference - NostradAMUS

Priceless Reference - NostradAMUS

Nostradamus on Eastern philosophy and religion, the beauty of the moon, the grace of meditation, the symbols of the mystic traditions of the East and West, and the glory of an enlightened being ...

NostradAMUS - The Great Prophecies Mother of the Millennium

NostradAMUS - The Great Prophecies Mother of the Millennium

To avoid political and religious sensitive issues, the above explanation is not very detailed. For the same reason, Nostradamus dared not mention the exact name, religions or events, etc ...

Mother of the Millennium

Mother of the Millennium

While Jean de Jerusalem predicts catastrophes and wars for the end of this century, he also describes the future as very beautiful: "Humanity will evolve spiritually and regain its true greatness ...

A Guiding Light for the New Era

A Guiding Light for the New Era

In his letter, not only did Nostradamus accurately describe the international economic recession and other important present-day global events, he also described a new leader who would usher our world into an “age of exploration and limitless prosperity” lasting more than 1,000 years ...

Prophecies to Welcome the New Era

Prophecies to Welcome the New Era

Jean de Jerusalem predicted that the start of the third millennium AD would see a mother of the new age who would help humanity to evolve spiritually ...