The Continental United States
Leaving Mexico, Master stepped onto the soil of the Continental United States at Los Angeles. The four cities She visited were Los Angeles, Seattle, Denver, and Washington, D.C. Master's almighty power motivated fellow initiates to cooperate with great efficiency. Although they had never met each other before, the initiates worked like members of a professional team. Brother Yang Chuan Ping told us an interesting story. "In Seattle, we found that the more we distributed the leaflets, the more numerous they became. When we expressed our puzzlement, someone told us that when American initiates took the leaflets to distribute, they reprinted even more than they took. Fellow initiates may live in different countries, but their wish to support Master's work is the same."
Brother Hsu Zhenbang, a member of the work team recalled, "In America we once met some homeless people. Master naturally showed Her concern and love. She immediately walked up and talked with them. Then She asked us to find out how many homeless people were in the area. If we found, for example, that there were 50 people, we would double the number to 100 when we reported to a Quan Yin messenger, for fear that we failed to count all of them. When the messenger reported to Master, he doubled the number again to 200. When Master asked us to buy supplies for them, She doubled the number one more time to 400. Thus we had many supplies left over after the distribution, and we had to go elsewhere to find others in need to distribute the rest."
Another experience of interest on the American segment of Master's World Tour was that of the contact person from Colorado. He commented that when preparing for Master's lectures, he could work around the clock without sleeping a wink. And after a lecture, he did not feel at all tired. On the contrary, he felt full of vitality as if he had just been on a vacation. He said that from his work on the tour, he came to realize that Master is not only a teacher of a high level but also a friend at hand. All kinds of spiritual joys can be fully experienced by those who throw themselves wholeheartedly into God's work.