How Can A Hair Tell You So Much Information?
By the Korean News Group (Originally in Korean)
When Master was staying in Korea recently, She was very sick. To find out the reason for the sickness, an initiated Korean brother who was an oriental medicine doctor took some of Master's hair to a person who had developed a special machine. The machine is called a "MRT" (Magnetic Resonance Tester). The machine can tell the reason for the sickness and many other states using only a hair from the person.
While testing Her hair, he was extremely surprised. He had never seen such a hair. According to the results, Master was just tired, and not sick. But the point is that She is very pure and all Her chakras are perfectly open. Also, according to the machine, Her vibration was the highest one. After knowing that, he felt highly honored to have the opportunity of testing that kind of hair. He also said that the person who has the hair could get enlightenment at any time. He was not an initiate and not aware that it was Master's hair.
Later, we interviewed the person who developed the machine in order to obtain a more scientific view on these results and interpretations.
Origin of the MRT
Q: What is the MRT? How did it come into being?
A: The human body has an information field (magnetic field) of subtle energy called the aura, or chi in oriental medicine. The information transmission systems between the cerebrum and each internal organ, etc. are included in the information field. Now, this machine is equipped with a sensor for reading such life information, which exists in the form of the subtle magnetic field of a living body, so we call it the "Magnetic Resonance Tester."
Let me compare the MRT with the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) that is used in western medicine. They are the same in terms of making use of magnetic energy. However, in the case of the MRI, the magnetism of a very high gauss level is radiated to the human body. The magnetic energy causes a resonance phenomenon with the hydrogen that is contained in the moisture within the body. Then the phenomenon is processed into an image. The MRI is only for humans. In the case of the MRT, it reads the living body's information in terms of the natural living body magnetism of a subtle form. Therefore, anything that has the wave information of the body such as hair, blood, urine, etc. can be taken for testing. Using such materials, we can simply read the general information of the human body.
The former version of the MRT is the MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiograph), which was developed in the U.S.A. about 20 years ago. The MRA was based on the theory that a resonance phenomenon happens when this energy and that energy have the same frequency. So, we can say that the MRT is the same as the MRA in terms of the hardware concept. However, the MRT is much more developed in its features. Creative modifications with continuous research gave birth to the MRT. The MRT came to be equipped with a unique feature, which has to do with the invisible world, the oriental concept of chi, and the concept of oriental medicine.
Arrangement of the Human Body
The MRT's performance, most of all, is recognized by its inherited constitution test. The machine gets hereditary body information by sensing the polarity pattern that is contained in the living body or matter in nature. That is, the polarity of the human body is recognized as the arrangement pattern. So far, the analysis can be done up to six levels. Therefore, the human body can basically be classified into 64 patterns. A human has one unique arrangement pattern of polarity without exception. The pattern is inherited and not changed for life.
If we analyze the characteristics of the arrangement pattern of polarity, we can get heredity information of a person. That is, we can know one's inherited constitution, postnatal diseases, health, etc. The GENOME project is also reading heredity information of the human body, but in it, the scientists are looking into the structural pattern of DNA; however, the MRT reads the invisible polarity information, which is read by the energy form.
The concept of reading information of the polarity arrangement is based on "The Book of Changes". (I-Ching) It's like computers that use zero and one. So we can say "The Book of Changes" is the natural "digitalogy" or "polarity arrangementlogy". The polarity arrangement has 64 patterns. The first level is non-polarity, from which Yin and Yang (bipolar) come. From Yin and Yang, 4 shapes and 8, 16, 32, and 64 patterns emerge. From the 8 patterns, the material and concrete, phenomenal world are explained. In the energy level, there are 4 shapes, and the more abstract concepts, aura, chakras, etc. are included here.
Q: Can we get non-material information also, and to what extent?
A: Anything that exists as an energy form has a measurable resonance phenomenon, and thus can be the object of measurement. Therefore, the human body, or hair, urine, blood, etc. can be tested also.
This machine is useful in understanding the origin of material, the original element of material contained in materials. Conventional science is limited in recognizing the original step of materials. It seems like conventional science is based on material while spiritual science has nothing to do with it. However, the material and the original element of material (non-material) cannot be separated. The formless energy patterns contained in material can be read, thus the material can be understood. It is very useful in understanding materials.
Chakras, which are called "Energy Centers," and the auric field (composed wave), which is the collection of general information, can be read by reading the energy.
Measuring Master's Degree of Enlightenment
Q: Does it mean that you can measure the degree of enlightenment?
A: Yes, it is available to some extent. Originally, this machine was developed for medical purposes and our main concerns are limited to medical fields now. However, chakras and the aura can be analyzed, coded, and digitized since they are also energy forms.
In the case of Master Ching Hai, Her hair test results were that Her aura was so pure and clear. It was very interesting; so, I did the chakra test also. The result was that all the chakras are open. The machine has chakra codes already included; however, we do not teach people about that because it is not generally used in the medical field.
Inner enlightenment is expressed in the form of light or energy radiation. The machine can analyze and digitize such energy form, color, volume, etc. to a certain extent. That is, the degree of enlightenment (consciousness level) can be tested by the form and volume of the aura.
When the time comes, I hope to research deeper into the spiritual world. One can check his/her own practice and status. Chakras are related to both body and consciousness, so we can get information on body and consciousness with the chakras. I believe our consciousness can be perfect when our body is perfect. So, taking care of the body will help spiritual practice. The chakra test is related to body condition and diseases, but it is not directly related to the level of consciousness.
Medicine of the Future Available Now
Q: What are the noticeable accomplishments in the medical field?
The machine tests the polarity arrangement pattern of the human body to 6 levels, so there are 64 patterns. We can get one's heredity information regarding the body by observing such patterns. For instance, cancer can occur only in 8 patterns without exception. This has been proved. Leukemia falls into 2 patterns. This heredity constitution test can help to prevent hard-to-cure diseases such as cancer, leukemia, etc. By the organ test in western medicine, cancer can be found only when an abscess of 1 cm (100 million cells) or bigger exists. That is, the disease is found when it has already progressed significantly; the MRA can read a few cells, and so does the MRT. But the MRT can predict the possibility of cancer even before a cancer cell occurs by reading the polarity arrangement pattern. Early diagnosis is the most important in cancer. Cancer can be cured if it is found in the early stages.
The MRT has 2,300 codes embedded so far. We can get specific information on the body by the resonance with such codes. The GENOME project will take a lot of time and expense to actually benefit people. Compared to this, the MRT is easier and cheaper. Cancer-causing materials can be tracked also.
Q: How are diseases cured?
A: Every disease has a reason behind it. It's the activity of small elements composing a cell. A cell with disease is the cell that has been changed in terms of chi and the small elements. The cure is achieved by correcting the state in which the vibration is confused and unbalanced. By setting the codes of normal cells, it can generate normal cells and positive and healthy chi. Using several methods, this information can be transmitted to the body to correct confused information. Second, it can return to the original pattern (original constitution). Third, it can recharge the non-polarity energy.
The functions of the non-polarity field (energy without polarity) are very special. It removes negative disease information and preserves inherited, healthy, and positive information, and so it returns the body to the most positive state. This explains why spiritual practice can heal all diseases. The most original and perfect state is non-polarity. Master Ching Hai had the non-polarity resonance level of 21, which is the highest value. The level can tell one's degree of practice.
Q: How can the MRT be used in research?
A: It is now used mainly for medical purposes, but it can be used in any area where life (heredity) information can be utilized such as agriculture, forestry, export/import control (customs), etc. For instance, we can test the characteristics and purity of foods and medicines, etc. very simply and economically.
Q: Does the testing need concentration of the mind?
A: The information is very subtle, and thus can be interfered with by the user's confused mind or some actions. So, the user needs to have a quiet mind.