Spirituality and Science

A Scientific Look at Meditation
Overall, the report views meditation as having a highly positive influence on one’s health, happiness and sense of well-being ...

Scientists “Re-discover” the Third Eye
The significance of the third eye, also known as the wisdom eye, has been known to Truth seekers and spiritual practitioners through the centuries, but only recently has modern science acknowledged its existence ...

Meditation Promotes Endorphin Release and Physical Well-being
Moreover, scientists have found that besides calming the nerves and reducing blood pressure, meditation stimulates endorphin release, thus inducing a sense of well-being ...

Near Death Experiences and the Existence of the Soul after Death
Rudolf Steiner, author of “Life beyond Death,” does not see man as a physical collection of organs. He says that the physical body is an etheric expression of astral and ego activities ...

The “Butterfly Effect”
From the spiritual perspective, the Butterfly Effect signifies the importance of thoughts and the inter-relationship between action, speech and thoughts. It points to the universal law that “all are one” ...

The Mysterious Pineal Gland
Recent academic studies have found that the pineal gland contains light-sensitive cells which function like those of the eye's retina, testifying to the fact that the pineal gland can "see." Thus, it is also known as the "third eye" ...

The Power of Thoughts and Emotions made Visible
Modern technology can now demonstrate that our thoughts and emotions can change not only our physical being, but even the world around us ...

Primary Perception’ Demonstrates the Interconnectedness of All Life
Primary Perception: Bio-communication with Plants, Living Foods and Humans is a fascinating book that discusses years of scientific research supporting what spiritual practitioners and students of metaphysics have known for ages—that ...

How Can A Hair Tell You So Much Information?
Inner enlightenment is expressed in the form of light or energy radiation. The machine can analyze and digitize such energy form, color, volume, etc. to a certain extent ...

The Secrets Revealed by Master’s Hair
In Korea, some people invented a very interesting machine that can tell you about your DNA, your sickness and everything, and, by the way, can tell how many chakras you have open and how much ...

The Miracle of Blessing Power
When someone with spiritual power blesses water, it has light. And you can see it. When you put two different waters here, one that's blessed and one that's not blessed, the one that's blessed will sparkle with light ...

Meditation And Science: Different Paths To The Same Goal
When we meditate, we empty ourselves of everything and enter into this real emptiness, the real substance of all things ...

Enlightened Scientists Who Elevate the Civilization of the World
In the higher dimensions, great spiritual practitioners have access to million times more information and material than we do. They can transform light photons into many tools and things they need ...