Quan Yin Method

What is the Quan Yin Method?
Quan Yin Method is an ancient Method, which has been forgotten by many of us, but has been revived in every time in different countries. Some lucky people are able to reconnect with it again....

Light and Sound Meditation in World Religions
Through the ages, all the world’s great religions have spoken of meditation on the inner Sound and Light, the Quan Yin Method, as the ultimate means for gaining access to our true Self, our true Abode, the Kingdom of God. This Method is named differently in various scriptures, but the practice remains the same. ...

The Quan Yin Method is an Eternal Universal Law
This method has existed since the beginning of time, when the universe was first formed. And it will always exist. It is not a method; it is like the way of the universe, a universal law that we must follow if we want to get back to the Origin, back to our true Self, back to the Kingdom of God or our Buddha nature. ...

The Quan Yin Method is the Most Advanced Science
Spiritual practice is the highest science. If you practice the Quan Yin Method with me, you will be practicing the highest science and logic. It’s not a superstition or a prostration to deities or spirits for merit. It’s not mysterious or ambiguous. One doesn’t have to jump up clumsily or talk nonsense without even knowing what one is raving about. That is being possessed. ...

Meditation Changes our DNA
So what we do is during the Light and Sound meditation, the Light and the Sound will feed it, feed the DNA with more divine, more true information about who we really are: it’s not the flesh that we inherit from the parents and not all the karmic-burden connection and record that we had in a former life, through the connection with the physical DNA of the parents...

Peace on Earth Begins with Us
And then if everyone changes himself, the world becomes peaceful. We only make war because we’re not peaceful ourselves, because we don’t know that the person next to us is God. We don’t realize that we are God, and we don’t realize that the ones we kill, we shoot, we torture, are also God. And that’s why the world is not peaceful. ...

The Five Guidelines
Refrain from harming any living being、 Refrain from speaking what is not true、 Refrain from taking what is not belonging to oneself、 Refrain from sexual misconduct、 Refrain from using intoxicants...